Socialization and culture
These links are material to review!
After reviewing the materials on socialization, culture, and social interactionism, I want you to spend some time thinking about how the modern meme relates to all these things.
Then I want you to find your own meme to present to the class via the discussion board. Be sure to answer the following questions along with your meme in the post. Each question is worth 10 points.

Why did you choose this meme? I.e. How does it connect to socialization & culture?
How do memes transcend language?
How are memes used to influence culture?
What would a symbolic interactionist say about the rise of the meme?
What kind of an assumption might an outsider make about our cultural norms and values from the meme?
Be sure to avoid controversial memes, political memes, or those that depict violence or sexual content. Be sure to avoid anything that might violate the student code of conduct. These posts may be removed. For the purposes of this exercise, we want the conversation to stay focused on the sociological topic and questions above.

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