SOCIAL WORK METHODS THEORIES FOR PRACTICE CASE STUDY. Use of …………………. theoretical framework to critically analyse case study …….’
SOCIAL WORK METHODS THEORIES FOR PRACTICE CASE STUDY. Use of …………………. theoretical framework to critically analyse case study …….’
Project description
this a social work essay, so a vast knowledge of social work should be applied while writing this paper. chose one case study from the 3 i will send you as attach.
then chose one social work theory. explain how it made you understand the case study you have chosen and how that theory helps you to intervene on that case. it is
okay to use other theory to link to the one you have chosen but that is mostly to help you critic the theory you have chosen. talk about the strength and the
limitation of the theory you chose.ending with critically analyzing anti discriminatory practice in relation to the case. there is a scope for short reflection on the
process of using the theory and intervention. remember this is a social work essay.
Referencing Requirements:
this should be a full harvard referencing, with page numbers where applicable. i will very interested to see that at least 5 books for the recommended readings are
used. please less internet sources. more details will be attached. please read the attachments.
Case Study 1
Jozef is a 53 year old man who lived the first part of his life in the Slovak Republic, but moved to the UK about 8 years ago. Jozef was trained as a carpenter. He
came to the UK seeking work in the building trade leaving his wife and two sons back home. When he first arrived in the UK he returned home frequently, but over the
years has begun to lose contact with his family. About two years ago he broke his wrist in an accident on a building site, and was not able to work for a period.
Jozef had always gone out for a drink after work, often with friends at a local social club, but with the loss of his employment his alcohol use became a more
prominent feature in his life. He found himself spending his time in the local park with a group of other men from Eastern Europe drinking throughout the day. After
visiting his GP with flu, and being asked about his alcohol use, he was referred to the local Community Alcohol Team where he was seen by a social worker and put
through a detoxification programme and then into a rehab.
Jozef is now living back in the community and his case is being reviewed by the social worker from the Community Alcohol Team. Whilst in rehab he lost his privately
rented accommodation and his social worker has supported him to find a one bedroom housing association flat. Although he is very anxious, he has not started drinking
again. However he sees the world in very negative terms. He feels at his age and having been away from work for a while he will not find employment again (although
he would like to work). He is anxious about going out and has deliberately avoided contact with friends he knew in the past because he is worried about relapsing. His
relationship with his family has deteriorated and he has not told them about his recent problems. He avoided contact with his oldest son (now 18), when he made a
recent visit to London, which has led to an estrangement between them. The flat itself is in a chaotic state, and Jozef is clearly finding coping day to day
Case Study 2
Gemma is a white 15 year old who lives with her mother Kitty and her brother Jake who is 9 years old. Kitty’s husband Tony left the family home after discovering that
Kitty had been having a relationship with a woman she met through the PTA at the comprehensive school Gemma attends. Tony now lives with a new partner some distance
away and they have a three month year old baby. He only sees his two older children about once a month. Before Tony left, Gemma had been a model daughter and pupil
at school and not given any cause for concern. However recently she has been spending more time away from the family home, staying out until late at night (and on one
or two occasions not returning). She has started cutting herself and Kitty suspects she may be experimenting with drugs. Gemma denies this and says she has only cut
herself two or three times, and that there is a craze for it at school. She does not see why she should not be allowed to stay out late. Kitty is worried that her
arguments with Gemma may be having an impact on Jake, who seems more worried and withdrawn.
Gemma has been involved with an ongoing quarrel with a couple of girls in her class. At a local youth club there has been an altercation between Gemma and another
girl, who Gemma says has sent her bullying emails and texts, and two community police officers who were passing had to calm everybody down. Then very recently Gemma
has been involved in a fight with the same girl outside the school gates to which the police were called. As a consequence she has been excluded from school and
referred by police to a social worker in a voluntary sector project working with young women who are at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system.
Case Study 3
Leonardo and Andrea are South American couple both in their early 60s who have been together for 40 years. They both came to the UK from Venezuela when they were in
their 20’s, Andrea working as a nurse and Leonardo as an engineer and then a lecturer in a Further Education College. About five years ago Leonardo was diagnosed with
Huntingdon’s disease. As a result of his condition and the uncontrollable movements associated with it, he can find it hard to spend very long in a sitting position
and spends quite a lot of his time lying down. He has difficulties eating and needs help with his food at times. His speech is slow but he is able to communicate.
The illness has taken a toll on Andrea and Leonardo’s relationship. Home Care workers who come in every couple of days have reported arguments between them and that
there is often no food in the house. As he has become less mobile, Leonardo has become more angry and irritable, and sometimes found it difficult to remember things.
Andrea has become more withdrawn and often shouts at her husband. Andrea did receive regular visits and help from her daughter Sheila, until a couple of months ago.
Sheila tried to persuade her to get more support in caring for Leonardo. For example, the local church, which Andrea and Leonardo used to attend have offered to
provide volunteers to sit with Leonardo. There is also a local carers group that Andrea could attend. However Andrea says she does not want help and following an
argument between them about her father’s care, Andrea has told Sheila she is not welcome any more. A week ago Andrea told the Home Care workers they were also not
welcome and refuses to answer the door. The case has been referred to a social worker in the Adult Services Team.
1.1 Core Materials
Beckett, C (2006) Essential Theory for Social Work Practice, London Sage
Coulshed, V & Orme,J.. (1998) Social Work Practice, An Introduction (3rd. edn.) Hampshire: Macmillan.
Connoly, M and Harms, L (2012) Social work from theory to practice, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Fook, J (2002) Social work : critical theory and practice, London, Sage
Healy, K (2005) Social Work Theories in Context: Creating Frameworks for Practice, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Howe, D (2009) A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory, Basingstoke, MacMillan
Oko, J (2011) Understanding and Using Theory in Social Work (2nd ed), Exeter, Learning Matters
Payne, M. (2014) Modern Social Work Theory (3rd Edition) Basingstoke, Macmillan
Miller L (2006) Counselling skills for social work London, Sage
Stepney P. and Ford D.(2000) Social Work Models, Methods and Theories, Lyme Regis, Russell House
Teater, B. (2014) An Introduction to Applying Social Work Theories and Methods, (second edition) Maidenhead, Open University Press
Thompson, N. (2001) Anti-Discriminatory Practice (3rd. edn.) Hampshire: Palgrave
Trevithick, P. (2012) Social Work Skills, a Practice Handbook (3rd edn), Maidenhead, Open University Press
1.2 Optional Materials
Abels, P and Abels, S (2001) Understanding Narrative Therapy a Guide Book for the Social Worker, New York, Springer
Adams, R., Dominelli, L. and Payne, M. (2002) Critical Practice in Social Work Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan
Adams, R Dominelli, L and Payne M (2002) Social Work: Themes, Issues and
Critical Debates (2nd edition) Basingstoke Palgrave
Breakwell, G. (1986) Coping with threatened identities Methuen
Brandell, J (2004) Psychodynamic Social Work, New York, Columbia University Press
Bryne, H. & Martin, G 2000 Law for Social Workers 6th edition, London
Blackstone Press
Caplan, G. (1964) Principles of Preventative Psychiatry New York, Basic
Christie, A. (2001) Men and Social Work: Theories and Practices, Basingstoke, Palgrave
Doel M. and Shardlow, S. (1998) The New Social Work Practice London, Ashgate Publishing
Fook, J and Gardner F (eds) (2012) Critical reflection in context, New York : Routledge
Fraser, S and Matthews, S (eds) (2008) The Critical Practitioner in Social Work and Health Care, London, Sage.
Gaine C (2010). Equality and diversity in social work practice Exeter, Learning Matters
Gambrill, F (1997) Social Work Practice: a critical thinkers guide New York Oxford University Press
Hick, S, Fook J, Pozzuto R (eds) (2005) Social Work: A Critical Turn, Toronto Thompson
Hudson B and MacDonald G (1986) Behavioural Social Work an Introduction, Basingstoke, Macmillan
Jones, K, Cooper B and Ferguson H (eds) (2008) Best Practice in Social Work, Critical Perspectives, Basingstoke Palgrave MacMillan.
Knott, C and Scragg T (eds) (2007) Reflective Practice in Social Work, Exeter, Learning Matters
Kelly, J. (1996) Competence in Risk Assessment, Chapter 6 in O’Hagan, K.
Competence in Social Work Practice, London JKP
Kemshall, H. & Pritchard,J. (eds) (1996) Good Practice in Risk Assessment & Risk Management, London, JKP
Lishmasn, J (ed) (1991) A Handbook of Theory for Practice Teachers in Social Work, London Kingsley,
.Langan,M & Day,L. (1992) Women, Oppression & Social Work London, Routledge
Lymbery, M. & Butler, S. (eds), (2004) Social Work Ideals and Practice Realities Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan
.Mearns, D. and Thorne, B. (2000) Person-Centred Therapy Today, New
Frontiers in Theory and Practice London: Sage.
McLeod,J. (1998) An Introduction to Counselling (2nd.ed.) Buckingham, OUP
McLeod, J. (2000) ‘Narrative Therapy’ in C. Feltham and I. Horton (eds)
Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy London, Sage.
Milner, J. & O’Byrne,P.2002 Assessment in Social Work 2cnd edition Basingstoke, Palgrave
Parker, J. and Bradley, G. (2007) Social Work Practice: Assessment, Planning, Intervention and Review Exeter, Learning Matters.
Parton, N. and O’Byrne, P. (2000) Constructive Social Work, Towards a New Practice Hampshire, Macmillan
Patmore L and Gast A (2012) Mastering approaches to diversity in social work Philadelphia, PA Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Perlman, H.H. (1957) Social Casework: A Problem-Solving Process Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Pierson, J. (2002) Tackling Social Exclusion London: Routledge/Community Care.
Pincus, A. and Minahan, A. (1973) Social Work Practice, Model and Method Itasca, Ill.:Peacock.
Prince, K. (1996) Boring Records? : Communication, Speech and Writing in
Social Work
Reid, W.J. (1978) Task-Centred Casework New York: Columbia University Press.
Roberts A and Yeager K (2006) Foundations of Evidence Based Social Work Practice, New York, Oxford University Press
Robinson, L. (1994) Psychology for Social Worker, Black Perspectives London, Routledge.
Rogers, C.. (1951) Client Centred Therapy Boston MA : Houghton Mifflin
Rogers, C. (1961) On Becoming a Person Boston MA : Houghton Mifflin
Rojek, C., Peacock, G. and Collins, S. (1988) Social Work and Received Ideas London:Routledge.
Seden, J. (1999) Counselling Skills in Social Work Practice Buckingham:OUP
Sheppard, M (2007) Social Work and Social Exclusion Hampshire, Ashgate
Thompson, N. (2003.) Communication and Language, a handbook of theory
and practice Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan
Thorne, B. (1993) Carl Rogers, key figures in counselling and psychotherapy Sage, London
Walsh, T (2010) The Solution Focused Helper, Ethics and Practice in health and Social Care, Maidenhead, Open University Press
Webb,S. (2001)Some Considerations of the Validity of evidence-based practice in social work British Journal of Social Work, 31,1 57-80