social justice in Nina Revoyr’s Southland

social justice in Nina Revoyr’s Southland

Option 1:
In a well-developed essay, please focus on a concept, theme, or issue raised in Southland. What argument does the novel make about this concept, theme, or issue? Please write a well-developed essay in which you address this concept, theme, or issue and consider all three narratives contained in the story include relevant support in the form of quotations, summary, paraphrase, and analysis.
Option 2:
One of the primary themes of Southland is justice. How does southland demand remembrance of both America and even more specifically, LA’s fraught history of racial injustice? Why is such history important today according to the novel? Please write a well-developed essay that address these questions and consider all there narratives contained in the story. Inlucde relevant support in the form of quotations, summary, paraphrase, and analysis.
Option 3:
How does southland give voice to the various population in LA. Who have been otherwise silenced? Why is such having a voice important to the novel’s message of justice? Please write a well-developed essay in which you address this question and consider all there narratives contained in the story. Include relevant support in the form of quotations, summary, paraphrase, and analysis.

1.    Select 4 passages from Southland relevant to the topic for the essay.
2.    Devote an entire paragraph to your discussion of each quotation.
Note: for the quotation analysis, the writer can put in separate paper.
3.    In a well-developed paragraph, discuss the quotation.
4.    The writer must have read Southland
5.    No wordiness
6.    Citations must be from the novel. NO research based.

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