Simple Linear Regression

Multiple Linear regression paying special attention to the Analytics in Practice on page 253.
Complete exercises 3, 4, 15, 16, 18, and the Performance Lawn Equipment Case on page 272. post your work

  1. Using the data in the Excel file Demographics, determine
    if a linear relationship exists between unemployment
    rates and the cost of living indexes by
    constructing a scatter chart. Visually, do there appear
    to be any outliers? If so, delete them and then find the best-fitting linear regression line using the Excel
    Trendline tool. What would you conclude about the
    strength of any relationship? Would you use regression
    to make predictions of the unemployment rate
    based on the cost of living?
  2. Using the data in the Excel file Weddings construct
    scatter charts to determine whether any linear relationship
    appears to exist between (1) the wedding
    cost and attendance, (2) the wedding cost and the
    value rating, and (3) the couple’s income and wedding
    cost only for the weddings paid for by the bride
    and groom. Then find the best-fitting linear regression
    lines using the Excel Trendline tool for each of
    these charts.
  3. The Excel file Concert Sales provides data on sales
    dollars and the number of radio, TV, and newspaper
    ads promoting the concerts for a group of cities. Develop
    simple linear regression models for predicting
    sales as a function of the number of each type of ad.
    Compare these results to a multiple linear regression
    model using both independent variables. Examine
    the residuals of the best model for regression assumptions
    and possible outliers.
  4. Using the data in the Excel file Home Market Value,
    develop a multiple linear regression model for estimating
    the market value as a function of both the age
    and the size of the house. Predict the value of a house
    that is 30 years old and has 1,800 square feet, and
    one that is 5 years old and has 2,800 square feet.
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  5. The Excel file Salary Data provides information on
    current salary, beginning salary, previous experience
    (in months) when hired, and total years of education
    for a sample of 100 employees in a firm.
    a. Develop a multiple regression model for predicting
    current salary as a function of the other
    b. Find the best model for predicting the current salary
    using the t-value criterion.
    Performance Lawn Equipment Case, (Page 272).
    In reviewing the PLE data, Elizabeth Burke noticed that
    defects received from suppliers have decreased (
    After Delivery). Upon investigation, she learned
    that in 2010, PLE experienced some quality problems
    due to an increasing number of defects in materials
    received from suppliers. The company instituted an initiative
    in August
    2011 to work with suppliers to reduce
    these defects, to more closely coordinate deliveries, and to
    materials quality through reengineering supplier
    production policies. Elizabeth noted that the program appeared
    to reverse an increasing trend in defects; she would
    like to predict what might have happened had the supplier
    initiative not been implemented and how the number of
    defects might further be reduced in the near future.
    In meeting with PLE’s human resources director,
    Elizabeth also discovered a concern about the high rate
    of turnover in its field service staff. Senior managers have
    suggested that the department look closer at its recruiting
    policies, particularly to try to identify the characteristics
    of individuals that lead to greater retention. However, in
    a recent staff meeting, HR managers could not agree on
    these characteristics. Some argued that years of education
    and grade point averages were good predictors. Others
    argued that hiring more mature applicants would lead to
    greater retention. To study these factors, the staff agreed
    to conduct a statistical study to determine the effect that
    years of education, college grade point average, and age
    when hired have on retention. A sample of 40 field service
    engineers hired 10 years ago was selected to determine
    the influence of these variables on how long each individual
    stayed with the company. Data are compiled in the
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    Employee Retention worksheet.
    Finally, as part of its efforts to remain competitive,
    PLE tries to keep up with the latest in production technology.
    This is especially important in the highly competitive
    lawn-mower line, where competitors can gain a real
    advantage if they develop more cost-effective means of
    production. The lawn-mower division therefore spends a
    great deal of effort in testing new technology. When new
    production technology is introduced, firms often experience
    learning, resulting in a gradual decrease in the time
    required to produce successive units. Generally, the rate of
    improvement declines until the production time levels off.
    One example is the production of a new design for lawnmower
    engines. To determine the time required to produce
    these engines, PLE produced 50 units on its production
    line; test results are given on the worksheet Engines in
    the database. Because PLE is continually developing new
    technology, understanding the rate of learning can be useful
    in estimating future production costs without having to
    run extensive prototype trials, and Elizabeth would like a
    better handle on this.
    Use techniques of regression analysis to assist her in
    evaluating the data in these three worksheets and reaching
    useful conclusions. Summarize your work in a formal
    with all appropriate results and analyses.
    Note: Complete and post for review and grading the following “Problems and Exercises” starting on page 268,
    270, and 272 (all work in Excel).
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