sewage issues in petroleum refineries

sewage issues in petroleum refineries

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Research Paper Instructions

In every career, professionals must deal with certain issues surrounding their workplace or solve issues that affect the communities they serve. Write a research paper that deals with an issue related to your career interest.

For example, in the mining industry, unhealthy workplace conditions threaten the health and wellbeing of those employees. However, for the research paper, a student would have to focus on a specific health condition affecting mine workers. Thus, the student could focus the paper on how to prevent US mine workers from developing chronic respiratory problems due to poor air quality in their work environment.

This research paper must be argumentative; that is, it must take a position on a specific issue and use outside sources to support that position. Thus, the thesis must include a claim (the student’s position) and three reasons that will then be developed and supported within body paragraphs.

Paper Format:
· The paper must use at least 4 sources: three must be library sources and one must be from the web.
· Failure to use the proper sources will result in the student rewriting the paper for a lower grade.
· Outside sources must be cited according to MLA guidelines.
· An MLA works cited is required for this paper.
· The paper must also be 4 ½ -5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman/Arial.

write about is about the sewage issues that the petroleum refineries produce in the us, how the refineries produce sewage, the problems that sewage produce and the solution about the sewage how to solve those issues. before starting contact me so i will give you more specific information and sources that i already know to put into the research paper.


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