Secrets in text

Secrets in text

Use 4 essays by Virginia Woolf.( or other chosen writer )

But you have choice here. you can pick the writer among viriginia woolf, George Orwell, Paul Fussell.

If you choose Woolf, death of the moth would be your primary essay (text),
If u pick Orwell, Politics and the english language would be your primary text.
If u pick Fussell, Uniform might be the primary essay.

Those are all in the book called Occasions for writing. Please send me the copies of the 4 essays you are using.

WE 5.7 —. Begin by considering how you might present your thinking, about what you see in the work of your chosen essayist.  Use what you have learned in your examination of the seven(!) sample Mercer Street essays we have worked with to plot out how you might reveal that significance – your idea — to us. What do you need to lay out for us, and when?  How will your essay both move (so that each part advances our thinking) and yet cohere (so that readers are following along with your mind-on-the-page, understanding why we are moving from part to part)?  Map this out using a box diagram, as fully as you can.

Then, begin to build your draft, allowing yourself to revise that initial box diagram, as you begin to see more.  Your goals in this version are to clearly articulate what you are figuring out about your essayist’s work, to narrow your focus so that you are able to dig into what you figuring out with sufficient depth and complication, and to present that thinking to us in some compelling way.  To do that you will need to think, always, in terms of order:

Where do you need to show us several examples (from across the essays) to instantiate an idea?
Where do you need to linger with a single essay, to complicate or develop an idea further?
What is the relationship between the ending and the beginning, and what is the ordering of the parts in the middle?

This draft should make use of at least four written texts by your chosen essayist, plus whatever other evidence you need to help us understand the complexities of your idea (but use these secondary sources only where they are essential).  6 double-spaced pages, MLA style with the appropriate in-text citations and Works Cited page.

Be sure to give your essay an interesting title.  Titles capture the whole of the essay in some way, but do not announce the idea to us.  Titles gesture toward something, and get us intrigued.  After reading the essay, the title enlightens us further, helps us understand more about what the essay is saying and how the essay works.

Proofreading & Copyediting: Finally, you should also, of course, attend to all the more surface-y, technical issues, caring for your draft.  Treat it as if it is the final draft – the very best work you can do to this point.  Print out and read your draft in hard copy.  Read it from beginning to end, and note gaps.  Then read it in reverse order (last paragraph, then next-to-last, and so on) and note sentence-level error.  Then go back and fix.


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