School of Business Graduate Application

School of Business Graduate Application

Required Elements
A single essay (500 words) addressing the following:
Describe your academic progress and employment history to date. Discuss how a University of Redlands graduate degree will enhance both
your academic and professional stature.
State a short-term and long-term professional goals and envision how a Redlands graduate degree will help you meet both your current and
long-range objectives.
If you would like to provide the committee with additional information to supplement your application, you may submit additional essay
responses. We would particularly like to learn factors or circumstances not covered in your application that would indicate successful
completion of graduate studies at the University of Redlands. Other topics you might choose to address range from an event or experience
in which you have positively affected individual or group behavior, a challenging moral or ethical situation and how you resolved it, or your
perspectives on technological advances and how graduate education will further your understanding of the role of technology in society

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