Sampling, Probability, and Confidence Intervals

1 Hour

Gender Frequency Percentage Age Statistics for Age
Male 5 50% 50 Mean 44.5
Female 5 50% 39 Standard devaition 21.4
Total 10 19 Median 41
22 50th percentile 41
Ethnicity Frequency Percentage 88
Hispanic 2 20% 37
African American 2 20% 43
European American 3 30% 72
Asian American 2 20% 45
Native American 1 10% 30
Total 10

Bar chart plots

With that database, create a 95% confidence interval for age—both by hand and using Excel to calculate the pieces you need to perform the calculation.
Also, assuming that the distribution of age has a normal shape, determine the age percentile of the 72-year-old male in the data set – both by hand and using Excel to calculate the pieces you need to perform the calculation

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