sale and marketing management
sale and marketing management
Assignment Brief
Programme Title BA/FdA Marketing Management
Module Title Sales and Marketing Management
Module Code 673
Assignment Title Student Led Assessed Seminars
Level 5
Weighting 50%
Lecturers Jo Bates
Dr Pamela Watson- Bateman
W/C Hand Out Date 22/09/2015
Due Date By 16:00 on Click here to enter a date or enter text.FT
By 19:00 on Click here to enter a date or enter text. PT
Feedback Post Date Feedback will be ongoing from week 3 to 10
Assignment Format Assessed student led seminars
Assignment Length Students need to prepare notes on the subject to be discussed, for each session, these should be no more than 2 sides of A4.
Submission Format Other – See Remit for special instructions
Assignment Remit
This is a practical exam, assessment will be based on students attending student led seminars from week 3 – week 10. Students will be awarded grades based on preparation, knowledge, understanding and seminar contribution. Seminar questions will focus on learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4. The topic of the debate will be given in advance, each student will be expected to prepare notes for the debate, and contribute to the debate. All typed notes need to be submitted by hand to the lecturer at the end of the seminar.
Module Learning Outcomes:
2. Undertake competitor analysis to see how a competitive advantage may be developed with the application of international, internet and quality/satisfaction strategies
3. Appreciate the concept of customer value and satisfaction and the impact of technology on an organisation’s selling and marketing strategies.
4. Analyse the application of selling and marketing to “not for profit” and “cause related” situations and the ethical issues relating to sales and marketing practices.