Rule of V’s and Simple Maps

Rule of V’s and Simple Maps

Geology 3061
Lab 5 – Homework
Complete the basic map as an in-class exercise
. Construct a complete, colored geologic
map using the following topographic map (Fig. 1), and the fol
lowing information:
(adapted from Ragan, D.M., 1985)
. Turn in a .docx file explaining in detail how you
made the map for Fig. #1, and explaining whether the contact b
etween the Permian
strata and the Triassic strata is conformable. You may need t
o refer to the International
Stratigraphic Chart. This must be your own work. Be prepared
to explain your workflow
to Lori or I before you leave lab.
Point A is the base of an Early Triassic (Induan Age) marine sa
ndstone. The strike
and dip of the unit is N60
E, 20
SE. The sandstone is underlain by a Middle
Permian (Roadian Age) conglomerate that is 500 meters thick
Point B is the eastern boundary of a 10m thick Late Jurassic (T
ithonian Age) basaltic
dike. The strike and dip of the dike is N20
W, 90
Point C is the base of a horizontal sequence of a Late Cretaceo
us (Maastrichtian Age)
shales and carbonates. Determine the thickness of this unit
, and include your analysis
in your .docx file.
Point D is the base of a horizontal sequence of conformable Te
rtiary (Paleocene –
Danian Age) shales.
Point E is an unconformity surface that has an orientation of
E, 15
SE. There is
Middle Jurassic (Bathonian Age) conglomerate above the unc
onformity, that has the
same strike and dip as the unconformity. The upper conglomer
ate is 250 meters thick.
Your map should be drafted on a separate sheet of tracing pape
r. Ink in all of the contacts,
and color in all of the units to complete the map using ICS stan
dard colors. The map has to
be neat, and well drafted.
These should be completed as in-class exercises
. Determine the strike and dip of the
units on the following maps (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3), and prepare de
tailed cross sections
AB and CD on separate sheets of tracing paper. In both cases th
e CD section should be
perpendicular to the AB section, and should pass through the
middle of the map. Be sure
to clearly label your CD section. Determine the thickness of
the mudstone in Fig. 2.
Figures from Ragan, D.M., 1985 and Simpson, B., 1968                    Fall 201
Page 2
Geology 3061, Lab 5
Fig. 1
Figures from Ragan, D.M., 1985 and Simpson, B., 1968                    Fall 201

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