Role as a juvenile court probation officer

Continuing in your role as a juvenile court probation officer and using the same client, Jennifer Scott, from the previous assignments, create a case plan for your client. You may want to review her again. You should leverage your assignments from the previous weeks in the creation of your case plan. The case plan will identify and incorporate the youths strengths and needs.

Specifically, the case plan should do the following:

  • List and explain your clients goals, skills (these can be skills they have or skills they want to learn), and activities for each of the following domains:
  • Attitudes and Orientation (Interpersonal)
  • Peer Relations
  • Personality and Behavior
  • Family Dynamics
  • Substance Abuse
  • Education
  • Employment/Vocation
  • Leisure/Recreation
  • Discuss how you used the risk assessment and classification systems in the development of the case plan.
  • Discuss how you used the supervision strategies in the case plan.
  • Discuss your conclusions and overall recommendations for your client.
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