Risk Management
Risk Management
Order Description
Triumph Motorcycles Ltd is a competitor in the global motorcycle industry. It faces great competition from Japanese manufacturers and from Harley Davidson of the USA.
The company is one of the UK’s largest private companies and has an annual turnover in excess of £300 million
You are required to read the case study, concerning Triumph Motorcycles Ltd, and also to research widely, in order to provide a response to the following tasks
Using your knowledge of Risk Management, you are required to systematically approach the following tasks
Part B
Murray (2003, p142) states that, “A good reputation is an intangible asset of immense financial worth” and that a “loss of reputation is acknowledged as the single
biggest risk facing the UK’s top 2,000 private and public organisations (Aon 2002-2003).”
Eccles et al (2007, p106) go on to say, “Regulators, industry groups, consultants, and individual companies have developed elaborate guidelines over the years for
assessing and managing risks in a wide range of areas, from commodity prices to control systems to supply chains to political instability to natural disasters.
However, in the absence of agreement on how to define and measure reputational risk, it has been ignored.”
a) In view of the statements (above) you are required to provide a critical review of the importance of reputation to commercial organisations and to discuss whether
or not it is possible to manage reputation risk and, if so, make suggestions as to how companies should implement such a management process.
Your discussion should encompass a wide range of literature and should be fully supported by a good deal of academic underpinning (i.e. references). There should be
evidence of wide-reading in addition to the articles noted above.
b) Given your work on the previous tasks you are required to provide a detailed view on the perceived reputation of Triumph Motorcycles Ltd. You should provide full
support for any assertions that you make with regard to this response.
This assignment is a continuous of part A, which will be attached with the case study.
Choose an essay title from one of the following questions. At post-graduate level you are expected to demonstrate analytic capability and to construct a fluent and
logical argument. Your work should evidence extensive reading and research and be fully and accurately referenced. Full marking criteria are as below:
Distinction: 70%+
(i) structure Very clearly organised and logically
structured, following through coherent thesis
from aims to conclusion.
(ii) content Covers material in a full and accurate manner
and approach revealing careful attention to relevant
evidence and arguments; excellent
understanding of relevant issues. Develops
its thesis with the aid of a coherent
critical analysis.
Some degree of innovation or originality in
its approach to topic.
(iii) style and Very well written, with good command of
presentation grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation;
clearly presented with wide range of sources
and with accurate and consistent references.
Merit: 60-69%
(i) structure Clearly organised and logically structured,
following through coherent thesis from aims
to conclusion.
(ii) content and Covers material in a competent manner, with
approach careful attention to relevant evidence and
argument. Develops sound understanding of
issues and problems raised in question. Develops its thesis with an analytical approach, focused
on the question throughout.
(iii) style and Well-written with generally good grasp of
presentation grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation;
clearly presented with use of relevant
sources and with accurate and consistent
(i) structure Sound organisation, though with some
inconsistencies; follows through thesis from
aims to conclusion in limited but adequate
(ii) content and Covers material in generally thorough manner,
approach though with some inconsistencies. Somewhat
lacking in attention to relevant evidence,
examples or arguments. Develops adequate
understanding of issues and problems raised
by the question, though not always focused on
actual question. Approaches material with an
essentially descriptive rather than analytical focus
(iii) style and Adequately written with generally sound
presentation command of grammar and syntax, though with a
few errors of spelling and punctuation;
clearly presented with use of limited but
relevant sources and with consistent
(i) structure Some evidence of relevant organisation and structure with a few aims clearly set out.
(ii) content and Limited focus on question, which displays
approach some attention to relevant evidence and arguments.
Evidence of some understanding of the issues
and problems raised by the question.
(iii) style and Limited style and presentational skills. A command of
presentation English though with errors of grammar and syntax, and
spelling. Uneven use of sources and references.
Fail: below 40%
(i) structure Disorganised with no logical structure.
(ii) content and Unfocused; minimal attention to relevant
approach evidence or arguments, together with minimal
understanding of problems and issues
raised by the question.
(iii) style and Very poorly written, with inadequate command
presentation of grammar and syntax, and with numerous
errors of spelling and punctuation; presented
with inadequate or non-existent sources or
1. Is there a difference between human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants?
2. Why are human trafficking victims exploited?
3. Have international law developments influenced the practice of human trafficking?
4. Can the victims of human trafficking be effectively protected?
5. Is a partnership approach the most effective way to fight human trafficking?
6. Do prevention strategies and awareness raising campaigns work to combat trafficking in human beings?
7. Do governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental agencies and civil society need to respond differently to combat child trafficking and protect children?
8. Is there a business model of human trafficking?
9. Is it possible to reduce the harm caused by human trafficking?