Respect for the dead

Order Description

‘Respect for the dead’ Essay requirement:
Discuss significant
(1) legal, (2) ethical, and (3) cultural aspects of this concept with reference to the practice of human anatomy and your own experience of this.

The essay should include references to what you have learned about
legal requirements, ethical questions and cultural (or historical) differences,
but you may choose to write at greater length on one of these aspects than on the other two, and
it should conclude with your own reflections on what you have learnt in this course.



1. The Body in Bioethics – Alistair V. Campbell

1.Dignity: Two Riddles and Four Concepts — DORIS SCHROEDER
2.Gallows Humor in Medicine – Katie Watson
3.A Social Biography of Carnegie Embryo No. 836 — LYNN M. MORGAN
4.Loved One’s Body in the Anatomy Laboratory — PAUL M. MCNEILL
5.Medical Students’ Perceptions of the Body Donor as a ‘‘First Patient’’ or ‘‘Teacher’’: A Pilot Study — Michael Bohl,Peter Bosch,Sabine Hildebrandt
6.SYMPOSIUM ON CONSENT AND CONFIDENTIALITY Some limits of informed consent – o’neill

7. Alexander Monro Primus and the Moral Theatre of Anatomy — Guerrini, Anita, 1953
The Eighteenth Century, Volume 47, Number 1, Spring 2006, pp. 1-18 (Article)
Published by Texas Tech University Press DOI: 10.1353/ecy.2007.0018

8. How the Pernkopf Controversy Facilitated a Historical and Ethical Analysis of the Anatomical Sciences in Austria and Germany:
A Recommendation for the Continued Use of the Pernkopf Atlas — SABINE HILDEBRANDT

9.The Public Display of Plastinates as a Challenge to the Integrity of Anatomy — DAVID GARETH JONES Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, New Zealand

1.The Human Tissue (Scotland) Act (HTSA 2006)
2.The Anatomy(Scotland) Regulations 2006
3. The Anatomical Examination in Scotland – Code of Practice

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