Relationship analysis

Relationship analysis

Relational Communication Final Report

The final report requires you to write a 10-12 page, double-spaced paper that offers a holistic analysis of your relationship and the communication occurring within it.  At the heart of your report is an assessment of the relationship’s trajectory, its communication characteristics and strengths/weaknesses, and targeted practices to improve or maintain your relational communication.  Your final report should utilize APA formatting and style (including a title page) as well as proper grammar, punctuation, and style.

The final report is composed of the following sections:

1.  Introduction:  Your introduction will need to 1) identify the relationship(s) that will be analyzed in your portfolio, 2) provide a brief description of this relationship (i.e., any necessary background information), 3) an assessment of your relationship and its communication, and 4) a preview that sets up your following analysis.

2.  Relational Communication Analysis:  This section of your final report is composed of TWO theoretical or conceptual analyses of your relationship and communication.  These sections can be based on the analytic work that you’ve already performed on your relational communication throughout the semester (e.g., interpersonal needs, social echange theory, conflict styles and management, etc.)<-You can find this in the additional files that I will upload.  Having said this, you are also free to analyze other concepts that we have not analyzed in earlier assignments and reflections but were covered in the readings, discussed in class, or gleaned through your review of exisitng scholarship.  Regardless of your choice, this section should offer three in-depth, high-quality, and evidentiary-based analyses of some aspect of your relational communication.

Furthermore, this section (and/or the following sections) should be informed by your independent review of exisiting scholarship on relational communication.  This aspect of the portfolio allows you to identify topics, processes, or issues that are relevant to your emergent interests in and analysis of your relational communication.  In particular, this requires you to identify, read, and syntehsize 5-7 peer-reviewed journal articles into your final paper.  These sources should not only facilitate a deeper analysis of your relationship and its communication, but also afford you an opprtunity to extend your learning and analyses in this section.

The following is one possible way to approach this section of your final report:

Interpersonal Needs and Intimacy:  Early in the semester, we analyzed your and your relational partner’s interpersonal needs.  For this section, you will need to revisit that analysis as well as extend it to assess the intimacy of your relationship.  In particular, offer a concise discussion of your overall findings from that application assignment (i.e., the exchange of interpersonal needs between you and your relational partner and what relational pattern your needs exchange creates [i.e., symmetrical, complementary, or both]).  With this in mind, how would you assess your relational intimacy?  Remember that intimacy is the result of self-fulfillment (i.e., how well your needs are addressed through your relationship and communication) and self-surrender (i.e., how well you address your relational partner’s needs through your relationship and communication).

Conflict Management:  This section draws on your application assignment on conflict styles.  First, revisit and briefly describe both your and your relational partner’s predominate conflict styles.  Second, how do you see these conflict styles being utilized in your relational communication during conflict (offer a specific example here), and what are their implications for having healthy, constructive conflict (i.e., is there a need to adjust your conflict style, or not, in order for you and your relational partner to have constructive conflict)?

Other Conceptual Analysis:  In addition to the aforementioned sections, select one relational communication concept, process, or theory and assess its presence or impact on your relationship.  For instance, you can chose to discuss identity, gender and/or other differences, perception, emotions, relational dialectics, communication climate, and so forth.  Regardless of your choice, please analyze its presence and quality within your relationship and communication supported by examples.

3.  Relational Communication Assessment (Strengths and Weaknesses):  Based on the above analyses, how would you assess the overall healthiness of your relationship and your communication within it?  For instance, do you notice areas of healthy, quality communication – things that you and your relational partner are doing well?  Conversely, do you notice any unhealthy, problematic, or areas of weakness in your relational communication?  The key to this section is to provide a holistic assessment based on your prior analytic work that offers a discussion of your relational communication strengths (i.e., we do these really well) and weaknesses (i.e., these areas or processes require additional work).

4.  Future Areas of Improvement and/or Maintenance:  The last part of your report should build on your relational communication assessment by discussing areas within your relationship and communication that require improvement and/or maintenance.  For instance, if you notice relational communication processes or concepts that require further work and enhancement, describe those here and what communication strategies (at least 2) you can employ in order to improve these?  Conversely, if you find that you and your relational partner’s communication is quite good and you notice no areas of weakness, describe how you plan to maintain this relationship by indicating at least two relational communication strategies that will help to maintain your current level of intimacy and healthy relational communication.

5.  References:  Your report should end with a list of cited sources formatted in APA style.


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