Regulatory requirements for electronic health records





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With the regulatory requirements for electronic health records, most places where you will practice will have some level of electronic documentation. Currently, 98.4% of hospitals in the US have the minimum in sections of an electronic health record: laboratory, radiology and pharmacy. – and 32.4% have EHRs with physician/NP documentation, full clinical decision support software (this means using data collected in the EHR to support decisions about patient care.) and closed loop medication system – an electronic process from drug order entry to bar-code scanning at administration.

With the passage of the Accountable Care Act (ACA) Health and Human Services (HHS) delegated the how, the what, the why of an electronic record was delegated to the newly-created department: The Office of the National Coordinator for Healthcare Information Technology. (Fondly referred to as ONC.)
While HHS has delegated some functions to the ONC, the HITECH Act legislatively mandated the National Coordinator, as well as the entire division. (ONC, 2017).
There is an Advisory Committee that includes patient advocates (can anyone say nursing!?) as well as other defined members.

ONC supports many different programs. Review those programs, select a program that you think will apply to or affect your practice as a NP. How will that program affect your practice? Will it be a positive or negative impact. Will the program help you or your state improve patient outcomes?

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