Reflections on decision making and planning issues

Reflections on decision making and planning issues

Reflections on decision making and planning issues

This assessment entails you completing three individual reflective pieces of writing that you must submit to the lecturer no later than the last day of week 12 of semester (25th October). You can submit your pieces in a set or individually. It is, however,recommended that you submit at least 1 reflective piece by the end of week 9 so that you can make sure you have accurately interpreted the requirements of the assignment and that you obtain feedback on potential areas for improvement early in the semester.
Yourreflectivepiecesmustrespectively relate to the following aspects of the course:
1.    Evidence based decision making (submit 1 reflection on this topic);
2.    Strategy, strategic leadership or strategic planning (submit 1 reflection on this topic); and
3.    Program Theory or Program Logic (submit 1 reflection on this topic).
Your specific focus in each piece will be on your interpretations and position on different areas of the above-mentioned areas of decision making and planning covered in this Unit.
In order to complete your pieces, you should read, interpret and reflect on a topic. As a starting point, this means reading, interpreting and reflecting on the issues addressed in the material for one of the Unit topic areas (e.g. strategic leadership, program theory, LogFrameetc.). You should keep notes as you do this so that you can demonstrate:
1.    That you have read widely and thought about the material;
2.    That you have reached a well-considered position regarding the relevance and usefulness of the decision making and planningconcepts and issues you have read about to the work of public health practitioners in a given context (i.e. in a specific type of job, country, for a target group, health issue etc.).
To prepare your reflections, keep a record of your reading/sources and reference these in your writing using the ECU standard, which is the American Psychological Association (APA) style. If you need help with this, there are guidelines and tips on the ECU web site. As a graduate student, aim to become proficient in the use of EndNote software, which automates referencing for you, giving you a way of ensuring ‘error-free’results.Try to master EndNote as soon as you can because it saves many hours of work and willhelp you gain extra marks in every unit you study at ECU!
As a guide to your reflective pieces, each should be of 2 pages (not including references), 1.5 spacingand 11 font. Generally, this means about 800-900 words. Each reflection should include a title that indicates the subject of your reflection and headings at the beginning of each section (e.g. Introduction). Your name and student number should also be included in a footer.
Each reflection should reference no less than 3separate sources. These can include web based material. Extensive direct quoting from individual sources should be avoided. You should take care to ensure you do not plagiarise the work of others in your writing (
As a tip, your reflections on a topic should include:
1.    A description of the issue you will discuss including reference to the texts (e.g. articles, books, video’s etc) that have most influenced your thinking on the topic;
2.    Discussion of the relevance of the issuefor public health practicedrawing on your reading and reflections from your own experience/observations if possible;
3.    Reflections on the implications of the issue to your future professional practice in public health; and
4.    A conclusion indicating any actions you intend to take as a result of the reflection.
Marks will be allocated on the basis of the following:
1.    Evidence that you have undertaken adequatereading and reflection on your topic (10%).
2.    The clarity and coherence of your description of the issueyou are going to address including the accuracy of your synthesis of issues from texts (20%).
3.    The clarity, coherence and quality of your interpretation and analysisof the relevance of the issue/method to effective public health practice (35%).
4.    Clarity and coherence of your reflections with respect to their implications for your practice (20%).
5.    Appropriateness of in- and end-text referencing (10%).
6.    Adherence to guidance on length and format (5%).
Links tosome general sources that might help you with reflective writing:
DUE DATE: All 3 reflections must be submitted no later than the last day of week 12 of semester (25th October). Submit your reflections as a set via turnitin on Blackboard.

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