Reflecting on your relationship to literacy

write a brief essay (4-5 paragraphs) reflecting on your relationship to literacy and how it
has evolved over the course of the semester. What role does literacy play in your personal life, in
your career, and in your creativity? Have any of your opinions changed? What moments this
semester influenced your relationship to reading and writing inside and out of the classroom?
This assignment requires you to compose a narrative of your experience with literacy, the good,
the bad, and the ugly.
This essay requires you to look closely at your experiences this past semester. Please use specific
examples from your essays and your Literacy Diagnostic as supporting evidence to formulate an
argument about your own experience with literacy. You should quote either your own writing,
my comments, or both. Be sure to proofread for grammar and semantics commensurate with
college level composition.
Take a moment to think critically about your growth and development and some of the
challenges you have faced this semester. What sort of feedback did you receive from your
instructor or your peers? What readings or exercises were constructive for you? What have you
learned about yourself through your writing and revision process? What do you think you might
remember about this class in five years?

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