quality improvement
quality improvement
Order Description
Assignment Objectives:
1.Describe the role of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), the American Nurses Association
(ANA), and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in creating standards and
guidelines for health care professions and organizations (CLO 4)
2. Determine appropriate criteria or standards for measuring quality (CLO 4)
3. Identify appropriate corrective action to be taken when standards have not been (CLO 4)
Assignment Instructions:
1. Read, review and study M & H chapters 22 & 23 in your text, you may cite from your text for this
2. Complete an interview with a nurse leader in your organization (e.g. Associate Nurse Manager, Nurse
Manager, Nurse Director, CNO, etc.).
3. Use the open-ended interview questions that you prepared for your portfolio to elicit information to
help you understand the needs of the unit/ organization
4. Develop an analysis of what you learned from the interview. Not all answers to your questions will be
pertinent to your paper; do not just report a Q&A of the interviews, rather provide analysis based on
what you learned, using your material from the text to support your analysis. (Your interview
questions should be submitted separately and not included in the final paper.)
Quality Improvement / Safety concern
• Based on the interview with a leader, describe a quality improvement (QI), quality assurance
(QA), satisfaction, patient safety, or patient outcomes concern of the organization. This may be a
QI project or initiative that has been recently started, completed, or abandoned within the last
year. The project needs to focus on patient safety or outcomes (such as falls) and not equipment that does not directly affect patient care.
Research Regarding QI/ Safety concern
• Independently research the QI/QA issue. Find at least three sources including:
o At least one review article (such as a literature review, meta-analysis, or systematic
o At least one organizational or government website such as AHRQ
• Summarize the best practice regarding the issue based on the reviewed research.
• Discuss at least one recommendation that you could make to a manager or leader in the
organization about the actions they can take in order to address the issue based on the research.
• Summarize the approach and priorities needed to take this action and make a change.
Research and follow-up on the QI/ safety issue
• Reflect on your return interview/ follow-up with the nurse leader regarding the quality
improvement/ safety issue identified. What was the recommendation you discussed?
• Describe any planned actions the nurse leader may consider based on the recommendation.
• Discuss the potential barriers to implementing the recommendations.
Formatting instructions:
5. Follow APA formatting requirements, with exceptions: No abstract
6. Paper should be no more than three pages (excluding reference list).