quality analysis paper on clinical outcome assessment

quality analysis paper on clinical outcome assessment

Project description
Clinical Data Collection & Outcome Assessment
To build capacity for future practice, students will collect data weekly at one clinical site and assess the outcome achievement for health promotion or disease management care for the patients they have seen. Health promotion outcomes include: influenza vaccination, pneumococcal vaccination for those over age 65 and with chronic illness, varicella/shingles vaccination for those over age 60, for all routine immunizations for children, adolescents and adults. Disease management or screening outcomes related to asthma, diabetes and hypertension should be considered in all relevant clients seen in this course. For example, criteria for HTN is one for all patients: was BP assessed at the visit, was it evaluated and determined to be normal (for children and adolescents within appropriate percentile ranges) or pre-hypertension or hypertension. If this was beyond the first visit for HTN, is the blood pressure improved or still not at goal. If the clinical outcome for control was not achieved was an action taken and documented at the current visit.
Collection of this type of data is part of a quality improvement approach to examine opportunities to improve practice and ultimately population health. Students will be given a raw data set. The data will be collected using a structured sheet, recording only age, gender, and the specific clinical issue (immunization, asthma, HTN, DM). Students should each attempt to collect 3 additional data sheets on their specific issue on patients they care for in practice. Each student will add their own data sheets to the given data set for analysis.
Quality Analysis Paper
Students will then analyze the data to determine which areas/health concerns are meeting the standards and identify other areas for improvement that include the entire health care team can implement to meet current standards. Your written paper utilizes that data for the purpose of analysis related to quality improvement, patient safety and population health. The paper should be approximately 8-10 pages in length.

1.Brief description of the unit or microsystem where the problem is occurring (e.g. some description of the practice site without name or identity info.) 5%
2. Nature of the problem- state the problem clearly, and support your problem statement with your clinical data (how do you know it is a problem). Examine the literature and provide evidence of the scope of the problem and its potential impact on population health and patient safety. 20%
3. Specific aim(s)- how might you address the issue? (should be time specific, measurable, and include target population) 5%
4. Cause/process analysis-analyze causes that contribute to the problem. This should include the use of appropriate tools such as a fishbone (cause-effect) diagram, process map, or other tools. Include tools used for your analyses as appendices. 15%
5. Improvement measure(s)-how will you know if your change results in an improvement? Be specific on how and when you will conduct your measures. Include your data collection tool as as an appendix. Include appendices for flow charts/designs maps of the current process, your proposed solution and work plan 10%
6. Test change- Clearly identify the change you plan or could plan to test (make sure to link the change you select to the analysis that you did above). Include any literature that supports your change as a best practice. Briefly describe your plan for testing your change on a small scale. 10%
7. Implement & Evaluate change- describe your plan to implement and evaluate the change across your unit or microsystem (include systems leadership and strategies necessary to get buy-in for the change and any potential issues ie. privacy, security, financial, ethical). 15%
8. Recommendations-report any lessons learned while developing this plan that you feel would be useful to others working towards a similar improvement. Include the impact of this plan on population health. 15%
9. Writing quality, APA format, adherence to paper guidelines. 5%

possible proposal
does having more co-morbities lead to a decrease in rate of adult vaccinations?

want to correlate a persons perceived health status and their willingness to optimize health with proper immunizations. Then implement a educational tool to increase immunization compliance.

The 3 data sets that im responsible for can be made up to help fit the needs of the paper

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