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Everyone is told at some point you are poor when you don’t have this amount of money in your pocket, accounts or even being paid daily. However, helping “the poor” is, was and still is a debate for a long time. In the colonial period the poor law was formed to guide the poor or those who were in need. Just like all rules, policies and debates, there are strengths and weakness. Laws are looked upon as being controlling or ruling over someone rights, privacy and wellbeing. Conversations and debates have spoken on what “poor” is. The text book has mentioned that “the poor are those who are made up of people that are unable of taking care of themselves (Axinn & Stern, 2012, pg.18).

The strength of the colonial era poor law is to protect those who hold legal claim to settlement with particular localities, stabilities, safety of morals and physicality (Axinn & Stern, 2012, p.18). The same times of the colonial era, are those of today. Families are searching for protection and security and promises to have better lives to end their day with foot barely in the door. The poor law is supposed to gives a sense of relief as well as a sense of assisting the poor. The weakness of the poor law is those of today. For example, you have funding and you have aiding of the funding. Funding like now is limited and used for different sources or other angles. However, with funding low or not available, this causes other areas to be low and limited be such as food, clothing education and employment.

The colonial era and today’s time have only changed by years not so much situation. Poor or poverty have existed for years and still is going on today. Helping those who really needed is limited due to other areas, but help is still needed. The welfare system or government gives help to those who have completely given nothing to society in return but more children and less education. The rich feel like they are helping the poor and the poor feel like the rich is getting over. For those who really need help s judge due those who have taken advantage government and society.


Axinn, J., Stern, M. (2012). Social welfare: A history of the American response to need. Boston, MA


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