Proving historical argument

Proving historical argument
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Use the attached three documents as reference to make a historical argument based on personal interpretation of the texts, support this argument with strong proof from these excerpts (direct quotes and incidents) and address counter arguments too, to your argument.
Look for evidence to support the argument but also look at evidence that contradicts your arguments. You need to be aware of these counter-arguments and be willing to keep an open mind about them. Being aware of counter-arguments will help you clarify and sharpen your own ideas.
The introduction must be compelling and have a strong thesis statement to wrap it up (which is the argument).
move on to a brief summery and comparison paragraph.
after that divide the argument points into each paragraph and address them individually .
and wrap up with a conclusion that restates the thesis indirectly.

(For this paper I choose religion to be my argument, as I believe that these conquests were what lead to the establishment of christianity in latin america. If the writer has any ideas for stronger arguments I don’t mind that)

in the body of your paper, make sure that you use one paragraph per idea, and make sure that you have sufficient evidence to support each of your argumentative assertions (often the first sentence or two of a paragraph, referred to as the “topic sentence”). And remember, when writing about the past and accounts written in the past, use the past tense. There may be occasions where you will need to use present tense but your paper should be dominated by past tense verbs.

Furthermore, historical writing uses the active voice because it explains who is responsible and what they have done. Passive voice does not, so avoid it. The most famous example of passive voice: “Mistakes were made.” Historians want to know who made the mistakes and why. Active: “Jones made mistakes because he misjudged the importance of the deal.”

Most important thing is to rely on:
Clearly stating the argument with logical explanations
Having clearly and accurate the reasons
Being able to discuss counter arguments
Having a satisfying logical conclusion

Avoid points of view that are based on instincts and stick to ones u can prove by evidence.

Please email me about any questions you have about this if you need to, thank you so much for your help.

I will attach 3 excerpts to reference and two guideline papers as reference.
Again, don’t hesitate to contact me for any clarification.

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