professionalism in context
professionalism in context
Order Description
Assignment 2:
Length: Word limits:
Part A: 300 words
Part B: 500 – 600 words maximum
Two choices for Part B
See details below for each Part.
One of the most important aspects of any professional portfolio is the ongoing development and monitoring of professional learning goals and needs. These goals are developed by:
1. Assessing the shortfall (learning goals) between where you are now and where you want to be as soon as possible in your new graduate nurse (NGN) transition year. This will become evident through exploration of particular competencies, skills or values as they are presented in nursing literature and through your personal and/or clinical reflections;
2. Prioritising and listing your goals and needs clearly;
3. Determining the learning resources, activities and/or strategies needed to meet your goals and needs;
4. Identifying possible evidence of achievement .
These 4 steps are relevant to Part A and B but the goals are different 92325 Professionalism in Context
Even though there are many areas of practice for which learning goals could be identified, those chosen below reflect the objective and content of this subject and are framed by the transition needs of the NEW GRADUATE NURSE (NGN).
For each of the following topics the group is to identify at least one short-term professional learning goal or need relevant to the transition year and discuss why you believe this to be important in your transition year. All of the areas below must be covered. Ensure your identified goals or needs are supported by reflections on recent clinical activities, subject readings or resources, and class discussion as noted in the 4 steps above:
– The nurse as manager ( keep in mind I’m a NGN )
The identification and explanation of the learning goals should be supported by reflection on recent clinical or personal experience, subject readings, subject resources, lectures, and class discussions.
It is important that you evaluate your experiences, strengths and knowledge. Ask yourself “What does this show me about my understanding of the role of the NGN and the transition experience? What does it show me about my potential as a leader, educator, employee or manager”?
Identification of resources, activities and strategies that you could use to meet these learning and professional goals.
Evidence of accomplishment – how might you know that you have achieved your goal?
After you have completed this stage of the assessment the deficits you have identified can be addressed before or during your early new graduate year.
Part B: 500 words
– Consider your career long-term and think about where you would like to be in about five (5) years.
– Identify one (1) long term goal that you can realistically aspire to; one that could provide a focus for your early career development.
– Discuss why this goal has meaning and how it will motivate you. This discussion should be, as in Part A, supported by reflection on recent clinical or personal experience, subject readings, lectures, and class or online discussions, including standards and competencies.
– Describe how you will make progress towards this goal over the early stage of your career – what resources, activities and strategies you will use.