Procurement Fundamentals

Procurement Fundamentals

Using the concepts, tools and techniques studied on this module you are to explore the Strategic and Operational roles of Procurement within an organisation of your

choice (manufacturing or retail) from the following sectors:

Tesco supermarket Company

In doing so you are expected to critically assess how the organisation differentiates between the application of procurement concepts, tools and techniques and how

they influence the development of procurement strategy and procurement operations.

The assignment should be completed in report format of no more than 3000 words and should include the following:

1.    A short Executive summary/Introduction (what the report covers)
2.    A background to the organisation’s procurement activities and how that relates to its organizational structure, business conduct and operational activities.
3.    Application and analysis of procurement activities, strategies, tools and techniques employed by the organasation (this can include future planned or proposed

4.    Practical recommendations (with implementation plan) to improve procurement activities.

This is an individual assignment that should be 3000 words maximum (excluding references and Appendixes). Longer assignments will be penalized.

The report should address the following learning outcomes within the context of the selected organisation:

1.    Understand the role of procurement strategies within service and manufacturing operations in both the public and private sectors;
2.    Applying procurement techniques in a range of supply situations;
3.    Understanding the global nature of procurement decisions
4.    Cognitive skills of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis, including the capability to identify and critically evaluate theoretical and practical

assumptions, evaluate empirical evidence, define terms and subjects of enquiry adequately, generalize appropriately and analyse data;
5.    Effective problem solving and decision-making using appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative skills including identifying, formulating and solving business

6.    Effective written communication skills.

The report will be assessed on the basis of:

•    Depth and relevance of discussion
•    Synthesis and evaluation of data
•    Application, analysis and understanding of appropriate concepts
•    A clear, professional and well-presented report
Where specific ideas, arguments, models, information, etc. are drawn on in your discussion, the author and date of the source text should be included in the body of

your discussion.  All quotations should be clearly acknowledged and sourced including page references.  Full details of all source material should also be included in

the Reference List. You should use the Harvard referencing system.


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