Prioritizing Patient Care in a Complex Scenario

You are a nurse on a unit and you have a patient who is asking for pain meds, a patient who is leaving for the OR and the OR doc calls and says they are coming up in 5 minutes and you need to have the patient ready, a patient who needs to use the restroom, a patient who feels sick and a patient who wants someone to sit with them, who do you see first and why?

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Prioritizing Patient Care in a Complex Scenario

As a nurse faced with multiple urgent patient needs, prioritizing care is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals under your supervision. In this scenario, each patient’s condition and the urgency of their needs must be carefully assessed to determine the order in which they should be attended to. Let’s analyze the priorities based on the information provided:

1. Patient Leaving for the Operating Room (OR)

The patient who is scheduled to go to the OR and has been called by the OR team should be the top priority. Ensuring that this patient is prepared and ready for the procedure is crucial to maintaining their safety and adhering to the surgical schedule.

2. Patient Feeling Sick

The next priority should be the patient who is feeling sick. Assessing this patient’s condition can help determine the severity of their symptoms and whether immediate intervention is required to prevent further complications.

3. Patient Needing Pain Medication

Addressing the patient requesting pain medication should be the next priority. Pain management is an essential aspect of nursing care, and timely administration of pain medication can help alleviate discomfort and improve the patient’s overall well-being.

4. Patient Needing to Use the Restroom

Assisting the patient who needs to use the restroom should be addressed promptly to ensure their comfort and prevent any potential accidents or discomfort.

5. Patient Requesting Company

While sitting with a patient can provide emotional support, it is important to consider this need last in this particular scenario, as the other patients have more urgent medical needs that require immediate attention.


Prioritizing patient care in a complex scenario requires a systematic approach based on the urgency of each individual’s needs. By assessing the acuity of each situation and prioritizing care based on the principles of patient safety and well-being, nurses can effectively manage competing demands and ensure that all patients receive timely and appropriate care. Effective prioritization not only enhances patient outcomes but also demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality, patient-centered care in challenging healthcare environments.


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