Preparation for the Workplace (Workshop)

Preparation for the Workplace (Workshop)

Course: Preparation for the Workplace (Workshop) Module Leader: Vera Koubkova Individual Project: 1,000 words Presentation: None Percentage of final grade given: 100%
Non-standard Features
YES NO References from academic source (journal articles and books, etc.) X Dictionaries X Computer publishing X Class notes X Hand Written X Usage of graphs, tables, etc. X
Assignment Guidelines
This is individual assignment assessed by means of a 1,000 ± 10% word report. The assignment has been designed to allow you to develop and demonstrate your understanding of the working environment and practical application of your knowledge. Specifically, the culture of the workplace, behaviour in the workplace and the tools and techniques relevant to job application process. The assignment will carry 100% of your final grade.
Your work must comply with the recommended word count, within a margin of +10%. Any assignments that exceed this will be penalised by forfeiting of 10% of the marks. Work that grossly exceeds the recommended word count will be returned unmarked and you will be asked to complete and submit a new assignment. Word count excludes the index (if used), headings, information contained within tables, references, bibliography and relevant appendices.
The project should be submitted electronically (Word or pdf), written in Arial 12 point font, 1.5 spaced, standard margins through Turnitin.
All work must adhere to the University regulations on ‘Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism’. You are requested to use the Harvard Referencing Style.
You must express your work in business English of a good standard.
Projects are to be submitted Week 11 (see Student Portal for submission details and Turnitin code).
Late Policy
No late submissions allowed without a permission from the Academic Office.
Your task is to:
Choose, research and describe an existing company you would like to work for
describe your ideal company,
using the concepts and models covered in the workshop and accompany your description by a motivation letter for your employer.
Assignment Structure
1. Cover page
Your name, course name, title of your report.
2. Introduction & Background
Briefly describe the theoretical background and introduce the reader into the topic.
3. Description of the company (400 – 500 words)
It should include the following
? Fundamental facts about the company: industry, company size, location, country(ies) of operation, their vision, mission, organisation chart etc.
? Company culture (using a company culture model covered during the workshop). Describe to which extend is the company culture driven by the culture of the company’s home country (using e.g. the Hofstede cultural dimensions)
? Prevalent management style (using a model covered during the workshop) and structure of the team in which you would like to work (using the theories covered during the workshop).
4. A short motivation letter (300 – 400 words)
Motivation letter for the management of the company. Reasons why they should hire you (why you are a good fit). This letter must be properly formatted as a letter.
5. References (using Harvard method)
All theories, methodologies, data, information etc. that are not your own primary research must be referenced using the Harvard referencing style.
Assessment Criteria
You will be assessed on the relevance, content, depth, structure, quality of your English and referencing. The assessment outcome is PASS / FAIL.

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