PowerPoint Presentation with accompanying text, Political Science;technology and Political Thought

PowerPoint Presentation with accompanying text, Political Science;technology and Political Thought

Project description
Technology and Political Thought
Directions: Create an original 3-5 minute narrated power point presentation that describes how new media technology is being used as a tool to express or react to heartfelt political beliefs or concerns. When preparing your presentation think broadly about the possibilities. Consider the social and political context within which the technology is employed.
Describe how a political perspective shapes the use of the technology and/or how the technology allows for the amplifying of political ideas or the suppression of political thought, as the case may be. Use the textbook (Ryan, Alan. On Politics: A History of Political Thought From Herodotus to the Present. Vols 1 & 2. New York, NY: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2012) to help you create and add theoretical depth to your presentation.
Some examples of the nexus between politics and technology might include the role of social media in events such as Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring, WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, NSA spying, online political fundraising, crowdsourcing, flash mobs, hackers/hacking, cyber warfare, mobile phone cameras, YouTube terrorist videos, surveillance, GPS devices, sonic projectors and directional audio technology, virtual reality, multimodal voting technology, video games, citizen journalism, etc.
Although this will be a narrated power point presentation, please do not record your voice. On each slide write in the space provided what is to be spoken for the presentation and a voice will be added later.
This presentation needs to contain accurate visual information, accurate oral information, and be accessible for viewing and listening. The presentation should be engaging and creative. This is to be original work, but based on research. So, you will need to cite your sources in a bibliography at the end of your presentation. If you use a publicly available image as part of your presentation, cite this along with your other research.


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PowerPoint Presentation with accompanying text, Political Science;technology and Political Thought

PowerPoint Presentation with accompanying text, Political Science;technology and Political Thought

Project description
Technology and Political Thought
Directions: Create an original 3-5 minute narrated power point presentation that describes how new media technology is being used as a tool to express or react to

heartfelt political beliefs or concerns. When preparing your presentation think broadly about the possibilities. Consider the social and political context within which

the technology is employed.
Describe how a political perspective shapes the use of the technology and/or how the technology allows for the amplifying of political ideas or the suppression of

political thought, as the case may be. Use the textbook (Ryan, Alan. On Politics: A History of Political Thought From Herodotus to the Present. Vols 1 & 2. New York,

NY: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2012) to help you create and add theoretical depth to your presentation.
Some examples of the nexus between politics and technology might include the role of social media in events such as Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring, WikiLeaks,

Edward Snowden, NSA spying, online political fundraising, crowdsourcing, flash mobs, hackers/hacking, cyber warfare, mobile phone cameras, YouTube terrorist videos,

surveillance, GPS devices, sonic projectors and directional audio technology, virtual reality, multimodal voting technology, video games, citizen journalism, etc.
Although this will be a narrated power point presentation, please do not record your voice. On each slide write in the space provided what is to be spoken for the

presentation and a voice will be added later.
This presentation needs to contain accurate visual information, accurate oral information, and be accessible for viewing and listening. The presentation should be

engaging and creative. This is to be original work, but based on research. So, you will need to cite your sources in a bibliography at the end of your presentation. If

you use a publicly available image as part of your presentation, cite this along with your other research.


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