Positive action in the judicial appointments process is essential to address the lack of diversity in the judiciary of England and Wales Instructions:

Positive action in the judicial appointments process is essential to address the lack of diversity in the judiciary of England and Wales

3. Online assessment forum contribution

Review your discussion forum contributions to the online debate which is held during
the year:

•• judicial diversity and selection;

Contribute to the online debate which you consider best reflects your achievement of the criteria for the online debate:

That you take a reasoned position – by this we mean:
•• it should be clear from your posting whether you are for or against the motion (note: it
is of course acceptable to acknowledge the arguments on the other side; your posting
does not have to be entirely one-sided);
•• your posting contains a line of argument which supports the position you have taken;
•• you use evidence to support the position you have taken;
•• where appropriate, you support or counter arguments which have been made in previous
postings, so that you are contributing to the debate. This is why it is important to read
what others have written before making your posting.

In making your posting(s):
•• show courtesy for the views of others, even if you don’t agree with them;
•• write in full academic English using full sentences and correct grammar;
•• because this is a debate, you may use the first person: that is, you can say “I” but you
should ensure the views you give are supported by evidence;
•• in giving your evidence, give the author, title, and date, where available and web address
(URL) where relevant – your goal here should be to ensure that any other contributor to
the discussion board can locate the evidence you have used;
•• ensure that you have given a position in relation to the motion (note that there is no right
or wrong answer to the motion; you are being judged on the quality of the arguments
you make, any counter-arguments you make to previous postings, and the way in which
you support your position with evidence).
Include the posting in your portfolio. Note: do not revise your posting. You must provide an
exact copy of what was posted to the discussion board.

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