Politics of environmental, health, and safety regulation

First, decide whether you want to make Lomborg’s chapters (on e-reserves) on biodiversity loss, global warming, or energy resources the focus of your paper, or you can focus on the scientific debate on climate change between the IPCC and NIPCC (week 3 readings).
Choose only one of these topics; don’t try to cover more than one. You should also further focus your analysis on particular areas of disagreement within these topics. Remember: you are only writing a 5-7 page paper and you need to leave yourself room to answer all of the questions in this assignment.
Then, answer these questions regarding the particular areas of disagreement on which you chose to focus:
What claims do disagreeing scientists make about biodiversity loss, global warming, energy resources, or climate change?
To what extent do scientists express their disagreements in terms of evidence, methods, concepts, models, or theories related to assessing biodiversity loss, global warming, energy resources, or climate change?
If scientists express their disagreements in ways other than these, what kinds of things do they say about each other?

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