Play response for “Athena”

After attending Theater’s production of Athena please submit a performance response/critique. (This is a slightly different assignment from last time, so
read it carefully!)
FORMAT: Response should be approximately 1 to 1.5 pages, double spaced, in 12 point font (Calibri, Times New Roman, or Helvetica), and with 1-inch
margins. Include a heading (Name, Instructor’s Name, Course Section #, Title of Play Streamed, Date Streamed) and create a title for the response (think
newspaper article title).
CONTENT: Responses should have an introduction and conclusion paragraph. The body of the paper should discuss one of the following two topics (below).
In either your intro or conclusion, you should still briefly address your thoughts on the overall effectiveness of the performance. (Keep in mind Goethe’s three
questions – What was the artist trying to do?, Were they successful?, Was it worth doing?)
You have two choices for your topic:
Option 1: Pick one character from the show and answer the following questions (in paragraph form) about the character and the actor portraying that
character. Please support your opinions with specific details from the production.
What did you find interesting or entertaining about this particular character?
In what ways do you feel the actor’s voice, movement, and physical acting (facial expression, body language, etc.) contributed to the character?
What was your favorite scene or moment that featured this character? Why?
Option 2: Pick one of the area of the following areas of technical theater: lighting, sound (effects and music), costumes, props, or set, and answer the
following questions (in paragraph form) about their use in the show. Please support your opinions with specific details from the production.
Did you find the design and implementation of this area for technical theater (whichever one you chose) effective in the production? Why or why not?
In what specific ways do you feel the design of your chosen area contributed to the telling of the story?
What was your favorite moment in the show that featured/highlighted this area of technical theater? (For example, favorite costume, favorite lighting effect,
etc.) Why?
It is important to fully develop and support your statements. They are your opinions, but it is vital that you explain your thought processes whether they are
positive or negative or a mix of both. You can be critical of things you found lacking and you can praise things that you enjoyed.
Here is some introduction to this drama

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