Placement casestudy

Placement casestudy

Analysis of practice proposal
I have sought permission from and anonymised the names of the service users, whom I will be referring to as Zoe who is Thai and Tony who is British. They have two

children who will be called Bob and Sam, who are 16 months and 4 years respectively.  Zoe’s case was referred ( who referred?) to the inner city children’s centre

where I am placed, due to a domestic violence incident between her and her husband who have now separated and is not allowed near the family home nor any unsupervised

contact with the children and will be going to court. I have taken on the role of advocate for Zoe who has a range of complex issues such as she has no rights to

public funds due to her immigration status. I have attended benefit meetings, filling out forms, and offering general advice and support and sign posting when

relevant.  I have also arranged a multi-agency meeting to avoid Zoe duplicating services.
While working with Zoe I have used a number of theories such as task-centred practice which  is a short-term treatment where service users’ establish specific,

measurable goals. Social workers and clients collaborate together and create specific strategies and steps to begin reaching those goals. I have used this theory to

ensure that it is not me who carries out the tasks but as a joint partnership we have been discussing the incident she informed me that he has been coming to the

property, therefore I advised the problems this will cause in court if she carries on allowing him to enter the property using this theory I can advise moreover Zoe is

the one who makes the informed decision to change the outcome. This then links in to problem solving theory which  assists people with the problem solving process.

Rather than tell Zoe what to do, I have been teaching Zoe how to apply a problem solving method so she can develop her own solutions.
Systems theory is being describes human behaviour in terms of complex systems. It is premised on the idea that an effective system is based on individual needs,

rewards, expectations, and attributes of the people living in the system. According to this theory, families, couples, and organization members are directly involved

in resolving a problem even if it is an individual issue.
I have been using many skills while working with Zoe most importantly communication such as using clear and simple language not jargon, in addition I have been sharing

information with other professionals which I converse to more professional language. I have developed my report writing skills in line with the organisations

expectations. In addition I have listened to her while showing empathy towards her situation. I have co-ordinated a multi-agency meeting moreover I have formed an open

and honest relationship but maintaining professional boundaries this is in accordance with the Professional capabilities framework (PCF,2012,1.5,7.2)
Law which has been relevant to Zoe and the children includes Immigration law, children act 1989,( although primarily working with the mother I also need to take into

account the needs of the children and be aware of policies such as safeguarding, every child matters. In order to ensure that Zoe does not experience oppression due to

her ethnicity, race, colour I have been working in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. Because of Zoe’s ethnicity and immigration status and having no rights to

public funds within her own right she and the children are experiencing oppression within the context of the legal system

Analysis of practice Suggested structure for the analysis of practice (NB – the figures in brackets are for guidance only – the total wordage should be no more than

4,000): •
Introduction – why you have chosen this piece of work plus a statement making it clear that you have respected confidentiality and made every reasonable effort to get

agreement by all relevant parties to using this piece of work for your case study (up to 200 words). •
An outline of the case, background to the case how the work fits into the activities of the agency, a clear understanding of what the social work role and tasks were

or could be, and an outline of what happened over the period of your involvement. Including any relevant statutory framework, standards or procedures (up to 500

words). •
An analysis of your work, you must align this with the Professional Capabilities Framework and Standards of Proficiency, with a particular emphasis on your use of

social work theory, skills and methods, how the legal framework impacted on your practice and how the evidence base informed your practice, including evidence that

relates to issues of rights, social justice and anti-discriminatory practice (up to 2500 words).

• Reflective (analytical) Conclusion – What you have learnt from the piece of work, including feedback from service users, carers and others and how the piece of work

has enabled you to work towards demonstrating the Standards of Proficiency (up to 800 words).
There should be clear evidence of reading of relevant literature, application of law, theory, reflection, skills, analysis, and how the evidence base informed your

practice. Published works cited should be referenced in accordance with the Harvard system of referencing. Above all, it must be clear how you used the relevant

evidence base to inform your practice. This must demonstrate how you used evidence in your practice, not just how the evidence informed your thinking after you had

intervened. In addition, you must show how you attempted to, or were able to, consult with and involve service users and/or carers in the work that you undertook.


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