Pillsbury cookie
Pillsbury cookie
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The question that should focus on for this case study are:
The focus of this case is the use of market research to develop consumer insights and how marketing managers can use the results to determine marketing strategies.
Your blog entry should discuss:
Do you think the information obtained through the use of qualitative techniques in the second phase of this research is enough to support the strategic decisions Guillen needs to improve the performance of the category? Justify your responses based on the case data and theory.
1-Application of theory (relevance and quality)
2-Addresses key case data (relevance and quality)
3-Completeness (Addresses all parts of the assigned question)
4-Timeliness (Was the submission made by the due date and time?)
5-Presentation (Does the entry demonstrate the ability to communicate and present information in an appropriate format?)
How should a case be analysed?
Each student will find a method that works best for them. This is one option:
1. Read the case quickly. Try to get a sense of the big picture rather than
focusing on details.
2. Read the case again, this time focusing on specific, relevant facts that
support your diagnosis of the problem area. Make use all the information!
3. State the problem in clear, concise terms. Be careful not to confuse
symptoms of the problem with the actual problem.
4. Generate solutions to the problem as you have stated it.
5. Evaluate the possible solutions in terms of how well they achieve a
resolution to the organisation’s problem as you have defined it. Select the best
6. Prepare to defend your solution and its implementation as the best possible
Remember: Case analysis is more an art than a science. There are no prescribed solutions.
The analysis should fully explore the theory underpinning the research and should show how the theory has been applied
The book is Marketing research