Pilgrim’s Progress Independent Reading Report

All of the following will need to be typed, 12pt font, Times New Roman/Arial, and double-spaced (MLA format). A critical analysis of each character below:
The Interpreter
The Daughters of Beautiful
Obstinate,Atheist, Prejudice, and Ill-will
What is significant about the following places:
City of Destruction
Slough of Despair
Wicket Gate
Hill of Difficulty
Valley of Humiliation
Valley of the Shadow of Death
Doubting Castle
Enchanted Ground
The Celestial City
In addition there is an essay component:
Answer the following question in a well developed essay using examples from both the Bible and Pilgrim’s Pride.
Knowledge of the Bible contributes to an appreciation of the Pilgrim’s Progress. Look up the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-14), choose two or three
points made by Christ in the famous passage, and then write a paper showing how Bunyan develops them in the Pilgrim’s Progress.
Attached is a copy of screenshots of the assignment. Each character should be analysis should be around 1-2 paragraphs as well as the analysis of the
places in the story. Please note the essay portion does contain some theology comparisons.

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