Pictorial and poetic traditions of representing the landscape.


Pictorial and poetic traditions of representing the landscape.

Four works of art, two poems and two paintings, one each from Germany and the United States, are to be compared. The poems are accessible online; the paintings are
both on display at the Met and I’ve given you the room number. The works are, from Germany, “To the Moon” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and “Two Men Contemplating the
Moon” by Caspar David Friedrich (807), and from the USA, “Look Down, Fair Moon” by Walt Whitman and “A Waterfall, Moonlight” by Ralph Blakelock (774). You are to write
a comparison a. of the different ways painting and poetry represent the subject they share and b. of the different ways these are treated in the respective cultures,
i.e. the commonalities between the two works from each culture against the commonalities of the other. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, "To the Moon" in English –
http://www.bartleby.com/177/31.html Walt Whitman, "Look Down, Fair Moon" – http://www.bartleby.com/142/136.html


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