Physical Development, Wellness, and Creative Movement

Read Chapter 8: Physical Development, Wellness, and Creative Movement in your course text.
Read the following sections of the Early Childhood and Child Development Lesson Plan Handbook download:
Lesson Development
Assessment/Guided Practice
Develop a concept map for your unit that incorporates at least three ideas related to your theme for each of the
following areas: creative arts, fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Use Figure 6.5 from the course text as a
guide. You may find the “Smart Art” tool in Microsoft Word helpful for creating your concept map.
Describe the theme of unit, including a rationale for how the unit uses a developmentally appropriate approach
to meeting early learning and/or academic standards for the classroom you choose from the ECD 315 Week 2:
Case Study Interaction (Links to an external site.). Refer back to your Week Two Discussion: Developmentally
Appropriate Curriculum for support.
Develop the creative arts lesson you began in your Week Two Discussion: Creating Learning Objectives. You
must use the ECE/CD Lesson Plan Template. (Links to an external site.)
Using the feedback from your instructor and peers, revise the goals, objectives, and standards section of the
Complete the materials, introduction, lesson development, differentiation, assessment/guided practice, and
closure sections of the ECE/CD Lesson Plan Template. (Links to an external site.)
Create a new lesson, related to your theme, with a fine and gross motor skill focus. You must use the ECE/CD
Lesson Plan Template

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