Order Description
Answer the following 5 questions below in an essay form. Clearly label the questions that you have answered. Answers should all be in clear, concise, logical, essay
format ?You may use any books or Internet sources you wish as long as you work alone ?Use APA citation style when you refer to an author in your answer ?Answers are
limited to a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words each.
Answer the questions below
1) .Life after death brings up issues of whether such a thing can occur. Using Plato and Russell, answer the question of which is more likely?we can survive physical
death or we cannot. Explain these authors? positions, describe the strengths and weaknesses of each, and then defend one as having the better position.
2.) Life after death also brings up issues of how such a thing can occur (even when assuming there is life after death, you can ask the question of how its works.
Contrary to Plato, Olen and Baker both argue that to survive death we will still need bodies?though we don?t need the bodies we started with. What do you think of
their position? Do we need bodies to survive or are disembodied minds possible? To answer, explain the basic arguments of Olen and Baker, describe at least two
strengths and two weaknesses of each argument, and then make your own argument as to whether bodies are needed for the afterlife.
3.) Christianity is classified along with Judaism and Islam as a monotheistic religion. However, both Judaism and Islam have trouble thinking of Christianity as
thoroughly monotheistic given the doctrine of the Trinity. What do you think? Regardless of your own beliefs on whether or not the Trinity is true, should Christianity
be classified as just as monotheistic a religion as Judaism and Islam? Or should it be classified differently?
4.) Pluralism claims that different religions actually work toward the same end and seek to understand the same truth, although in different ways. That suggests that
all religions can be understood to be right, in their own way. Exclusivism claims that different religions do not understand the same truth but have incompatible
positions. That suggests that all religions cannot be right, even in ?their own way?. Explain Hick?s defense of pluralism and Plantinga?s defense of exclusivism. Which
do you think has the stronger argument and why? Give your reasons.
5.) Whether religions are really after the same thing theologically or not, there is still the question of whether they can get along. The Dalai Lama argues that
religions will never merge into one world religion because they each have unique features that cannot be changed without changing the religion. However, they can
realize they do share some goals in common and can work together in some ways. That means that interfaith dialogue is practically useful. What do you think? Is having
dialogue with other religious believers useful? If not, why? If so, why?