Your task is to undertake an analysis of a popular performance, paying close attention to conventions of participation, strategies of operation, cultural meanings, story lines and experiential effects.
You must attend and document the performance, supporting your documentation with fieldwork notes, and contextualising your experience with scholarly research. Your event may require research in the form of audio-visual documentation, interviewing, participation and library research.
In preparing to write your essay, use your observations and research as evidence to describe in note form the meanings, functions and effects that are active in the performance and the experience of spectating or participating (where meaning = what’s it about? function = why do it? and effect = how does it feel?).
Your essay should develop a convincing interpretation of how this performance inherits the past (as genre, tradition, lineage) and engage an audience by addressing the present (through innovation, adaptation, transformation). That is, your essay should answer the following questions: What is the performance doing in popular culture today? How did it get here? Who is it for? And where is it going?
Suitable performances, research methods and approaches to writing the essay will be discussed in the tutorials in weeks 5 and 6. To broaden your learning, the performance you choose for your essay must be in a different genre from your group presentation.
The essay is individual work, but you may attend a performance with other students and collaborate on the research – in which case, you should acknowledge your collaborators in a note at the end of the essay.
Assessment criteria:
Your essay will be assessed on:
• Content – your ability to document a performance and undertake research on its history and context in support of your analysis;
• Sources – your ability to extend readings given in class to other relevant scholarly texts, and to research further in support of your argument;
• Critical Approach – your ability to analyse a performance with an awareness of its complexity as a cultural form, and to make connections between that form and aligned areas of critical debate;
• Structure – your ability to organize your ideas in a way that clearly builds your argument;
• Style – your ability to write fluent, grammatically correct English that demonstrates a consistent authorial voice, and the ability to appropriately mark and engage with the voices of others; and
• Presentation – your ability to display your research in an appropriate scholarly manner i.e. carefully referenced (quotation marks, indentation of quotations 3 lines of more in length, consistent referencing of sources in footnotes and bibliography etc.), with title page indicating the number of the essay question you are addressing, fully proof-read for mistakes, double spaced with a 4cm left hand margin, black ink, 11/12 pt font, and paginated.
Rationale: The major essay assesses your ability to reflect upon, critically extend and analyse key ideas raised throughout the course in writing. You are invited to develop a complex critical approach to a popular performance of relevance to the course, and to demonstrate that approach within a well-crafted and thoroughly researched scholarly argument.
See the ‘All About the Course’ section for information on late submission, extension procedures and plagiarism.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
• When: 11 April – 7 June
• Where: Sydney Lyric Theatre, Star City Casino, Pirrama Road, Pyrmont 2009
• Cost: $69.90