Peking Opera
Peking Opera
Order Description
“Describe your topic and connect it to the themes of the class, like globalization, technology, or politics, and compare it to some of the other genres of music that we have studied. The most important part of this assignment is to make some kind of central argument. This could be something as simple as “This musical genre is affected by the region where it began” or “This musician has been influenced by these particular styles of music.” This paper should be between 1300 and 1700 words and you will also need to cite sources for this paper and include a bibliography page.”
Your assignment is to write up a musical case study that we have not studied in class. You should choose a world music genre that is outside of the mainstream of Western pop-rock, hip-hop, or R&B music.
Your job is to do some research about this genre and find something in it that connects with some of the themes of the course (authenticity, exoticism, race, economics, technology, crossing over, etc.) You might choose to focus on how one particular artist and his or her work exemplify these themes. You could even focus on just one song.
You will have to give some basic description of the genre, but your paper should not be just a Wikipedia-type article. I am asking you to think critically about this genre, to compare and contrast it with genres we have studied, to place it in a larger context, and to make an argument.
You will need to do research for this assignment. If you are writing about a genre that is currently popular, newspapers and blogs are great resources to begin with. If you read the Wikipedia article on the genre or an artist, mine the bibliography for sources to follow up with. Check Google Scholar. You will often be able to find the full-texts of sources through the MSU library website. If you are having difficulty finding resources, talk to your professor or your teaching assistant. We may be able to help point you in the right direction.
This paper should end up being between 1300 and 1700 words, including bibliography. That is not a lot of space, so tell me about the genre, make a couple of points, and wrap up. You should include a formal Works Cited section for anything that you quote. MLA format is fine.
Case Study Rubric
Rubric for case study assignment:
1. Case study is an appropriate topic
2. Project connects to themes from the course.
3. Project includes appropriate amount of background information
4. Project makes use of and properly cites outside sources
5. Project includes discussion of at least one specific song, artist, or event.
6. Project has a clear thesis statement. (For example: “Kwaito is a genre that has been intimately affected by the combination of technology and globalization.”)
7. Project supports thesis statement with appropriate evidence.
8. Project does not depend on personal aesthetic judgments.
9. Project fits the length parameters (between 1300 and 1700 words, including bibliography)
10. Project conforms to standards of college-level writing in terms of clarity, fluency, organization, and proofreading.
Terms covered during lecture:
Indian Music in the west
Umm Kulthum
Tuvan Throat Singing
Buena Vista Social Club
Reggae in Rastafarian, Christian and Jewish Contexts