Overweight and Obesity in the United States

Overweight and Obesity in the United States

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Overweight and Obesity in the United States

years old.( it was my firs essay that i ordered throu yor site) if you have assess to my files please check my order about overweight and obesity in US

Assignment 3

Please use the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the

headings. Your assignment will be graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your paper with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered.

Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the paper together. If you have any questions regarding the assignment please contact your instructor using the

Course Help forum.

For this Part Three of your Project, develop a detailed assessment guide and an overall plan of care using the format below. Reference your recommendations and any

statements that you make about the economics, psycho-social situations, and health care expectations.

You may use LifeCareWriter to assemble your plan. This software can be used for free for one month.

Medical Intake/ History Review
Medical Records Providers
Chief Complaint and Subjective History
Effects of Injury/ Illness on Daily Living
Current Physical Complaints
Past Medical History
Current Medical and Rehabilitation Situation
Financial Summary
Family / Community Support
Expected Outcomes

Future Routine Medical Care
Surgical Intervention or Aggressive Treatment Plan
Drug Needs
Diagnostic Testing / Educational Assessment
Projected Evaluations
Projected Therapeutic Modalities
Aids for Independent Function
Orthotics/ Prosthetics
Wheelchair Needs and Accessories
Orthopedic Equipment
Home Care/ Institutional Care
Home Furnishings and Accessories
Architectural Renovations/ Housing Options
It is required that you submit this assignment to be checked by TurnItIn.com. You will need to upload the TurnItIn Originality report along with your writing

assignment below. Need a refresher on how to use TurnItIn? Check out the “Need Help?” box in the top right corner.

Hello Dear Class,

This information is also posted in your announcements under the ASSIGNMENT SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS.

For your convenience here is the info on Assignment 3. Any questions please do ask, even over Christmas. I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, I know your time is

important and busy with family/work so I try and answer your questions asap. I will be with my family celebrating Christmas but I am also willing/able to answer

questions as needed.

Assignment 3

In the announcements, for your convenience, you will find posted the document of the LifeCareWriterPlan so you do not have to go to the site and obtain theirs. One

student, once upon a time, did not read any instructions and paid money to use the document which was never the intention of ASU. Reading the instructions is a time-


Use a patient that you know or that you create. You must put a fictional disclaimer at first mention of any identifying date, name.

You will put your information into this document, taking out the document text, following the headings.

There are many appendices mentioned in the rubric, those are examples, you are not expected to do all of them, but do choose a couple that pertain to your topic.

This assignment is an exercise. It is not going to be an APA masterpiece, follow the format, and correctly use some citations appropriately.

Note that this document has an appendix. Follow the idiosyncrasies of such… If you have an appendix, that appendix will follow the references…I do not find that

intuitive but that is what APA says! http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/1078.htm; http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/;


If you have an appendix, be sure you mention that appendix in the body of the paper to alert the reader of its presence.

http://www.nova.edu/chcs/studentaffairs/success/forms/apa-appendices.pdf; https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/670/05/

Common error with assignment 3 is to not include any financial information, tables per the format nor references.

Financial information can be obtained by checking in your community for estimated costs.



chromosome abnormalities

Project description
2. Name and briefly describe 4 different chromosome abnormalities that can occur. (Use actual conditions and describe how they affect the carriers)
3. A child is born with attached ear lobes. His parents have free ear lobes. What is the genotype of all persons mentioned?
6. You and your partner have decided to have kids. What type of testing, if any, would you have done on the fetus. Describe three tests, how they are performed, their

pros and cons, and whether you would have them done and why.

Project description
Guidelines in Writing the Strategic Analayse using the Book of (Tim Travers, Gallipoli 1915 (2009))

A. Please do not use lots of words to provide any historical narrative account of the conflict. Assume I know the main lines. If you must summarise the key points,

please do so in a paragraph or two and in less than half a side.
B. Start with analysing the war policy. What was the political goal (the ends)? Was it realistic? To what extent was it a compromise between competing interests? Was

it flexible enough to evolve in the light of developing circumstances?
C. What were the different strategic options available to pursue the policy (the ways)? Avoid details here and think in terms of broad, generic courses of action. Were

there any realistic alternatives (realistic, for example, in terms of domestic politics)? Think in terms of other instruments of power as well as the military. Think

also about alliances/coalitions.
D. What were the resources available (the means)? Were they adequate for the chosen ways? Think in terms of manpower, materiel etc. and the longer term haul as well as

the short term crisis.
E. Consider the strategy against the four tests:
F. In concluding analysis could address these three questions:
1.Was there an overall balance of ends, ways and means?
2. Was there an alternative strategy that could have offered better prospects of success? Be careful here and ask yourself whether it would have been realistic in

political terms (i.e. acceptable to key domestic constituencies))?
3.To what extent did leadership make a difference for better or for worse?
G. Please remember that the paper is a summary analysis, just the tip of your research iceberg. I am interested in arguments about the strategy and leadership and do

not want to read another account of the conflict. Just include the key points and essential facts you need to support your argument.
H. Focus the research on the recommended text. There is no need to read any wider books onliy use (Tim Travers, Gallipoli 1915 (2009)). Please provide a notepad handy

and jot down the numbers of pages which contain information about ends, ways and means, respectively.


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