Orthographic Mapping

Orthographic mapping includes connecting letters to letter sounds to support reading by visually seeing the letters and words. Through this mapping process, a connection is made between the correct spelling sequences and the words we know. The phoneme-grapheme relationships are the foundational building blocks of the orthographic code. Orthographic mapping is the process that all successful readers use to become fluent.


Write a 750 word summary explaining orthographic mapping to other early childhood educators. Include the following in your summary:


Definition of orthography

Connection between orthography and the development of reading and spelling skills

How orthographic mapping supports the reading and writing development of young learners with and without exceptionalities

At least one student-friendly resource to support orthographic mapping. (Must be an embedded image or visual.)

The difference between sight words and high frequency words

At least one activity for families to assist students with developing sight word recognition (not memorizing word lists)

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