1. Assignments should be typed, 10 or 11 point font size (Times Roman or similar if
possible) double spaced with a 4 cm margin on the right side of the page with the
page size specified as UK A4. All pages must be numbered.
2. Assignments should be submitted in either Microsoft Office and/or PDF format (.doc,
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3. Assignments may be uploaded only once; substitutions are not permitted and students
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(OPM/Student Number/Jan15/2) in all submitted assignments and that
assignments are paginated. Failure to do this may lead either to a grade not being
assigned or being wrongly assigned
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WARNING: Once submitted no substitute assignments will be allowed
Please ensure you include your student number and the assignment reference (OPM/Student
Number/Jan15/2) in all submitted assignments and that assignments are paginated. Failure to do this may
lead either to a grade not being assigned or being wrongly assigned
Assignment Question:
Select a core process from the operations function where you are currently employed and
critically examine the challenges facing its operations manager(s) in terms of balancing the
efficiency and effectiveness of this process. Make recommendations for improvement as
If you are unemployed, at present, you may select a previous employer.
Assignment Instructions:
?? This is an individual piece of work and it must not be communicated to other students
in any way whatsoever.
?? This assignment makes up 30% of the overall grade for this course.
?? The account of your selected organisation should not be too lengthy; of more
importance are relevant references to the literature, and demonstration of your critical
faculties in weighing theory against practice. You must focus on the Operations
Function and not the Supply Chain.
?? Your assignment answer must be grounded in an appropriate theoretical
framework and show evidence of comprehensive original research (minimum 4
academic sources in addition to the core text book) into the subject matter.
You are expected to provide insight and argument and not simply provide a
description of the subject matter.
?? You should draw on concepts and theories discussed in Operations and Process
Management, Principles and Practice for Strategic Impact, 3rd edition, 2012, Slack,
Brandon-Jones, Johnston, Betts, FT Prentice Hall, your module Study Guide, and
from your wider reading and research to support your analysis and justify your critical
factors and recommendations. You should only employ credible research sources. I
suggest you consult the MBS Library Service section in your Course Welcome
Documents for information on a wide range of information resources and services
(e.g. Harvard Business Review). You may also find the following links useful:
Please ensure you include your student number and the assignment reference (OPM/Student
Number/Jan15/2) in all submitted assignments and that assignments are paginated. Failure to do this may
lead either to a grade not being assigned or being wrongly assigned
Databases –
My learning essentials –
?? The absolute maximum word count for this assignment is 2,000 words +/-10%
(excluding diagrams, figures, tables and references) and you may be penalised if
you exceed this limit. The assignment must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
Submissions using pdf, etc. may be returned to students.
?? Assignments should have a logical and coherent structure and be well presented. It
is essential that you properly attribute all quotes, ideas, models, frameworks etc. that
you include in your discussion and analysis. This includes any material that you may
download from internet sources. Full references must be given for all sources
using only the Harvard Referencing Convention. Before commencing your
assignment you must read UML: Essential Guide to the Harvard System of
Referencing, which is available on Blackboard.
?? Details of submission dates can be found on Blackboard.
Helpful Assignment Hints:
?? To achieve a top grade of 70% plus your assignment must be well structured and
logically developed with concise and comprehensive identification of the issues. It will
express original reasoned arguments and demonstrate critical thinking based on
clear insight, knowledge, and understanding by reviewing and critiquing a wide range
of appropriate material.
?? A very good assignment scoring between 60-69% will respond directly to the
question with a clear and convincing argument. Will demonstrate an awareness of
the issues involved in the question and blends conceptual awareness with reference
to research sources and appropriate examples. It will be coherently organised,
contain discussion and analysis rather than description or narration.
?? A poorly developed assignment, scoring less than 50% could show some awareness
of the relevant material and subject matter but does not demonstrate a sufficient
depth of understanding and/or is limited in the extent to which assumptions, theories
and beliefs are challenged.
?? Pay attention to feedback from earlier assignments.