operation management
operation management
Order Description
Please finsh my report in 48 hours. I have written about 1500 words, I need another 1400 words. Also ensure the whole essay look like my own work.
Please in strict accordance with the requirements.
And the refferences have to be academic journal article .
Assessment #3 – Critical Analysis of an Organisation (Graded)
Select an organisation (either your current employer or one that you are able to access primary or secondary information from).
Identify and describe any three (3) operational issues/challenges facing the organisation and how these issues may impact on the supply chain. You are also required to
critically review the identified issues and suggest recommendations to overcome these issues. Some examples of operational issues/challenges (although this list is not
exhaustive) include:
Goods and services design: Designing goods and services defines much of the transformation process. Costs, quality and human resource decisions are often determined by
design decisions.
Quality: The customer’s quality expectations must be determined; and policies and procedures established to identify and achieve that quality.
Process and capacity planning: Process options are available for products and services. Process decisions commit management to specific technology, quality, human
resource use and maintenance. These expenses and capital commitments will determine much of the firm’s basic cost structure.
Location selection: Facility location decisions for both manufacturing and service organisations may determine the firm’s ultimate success. Errors made at this
juncture may overwhelm other efficiencies.
Layout design: Material flows, capacity needs, personnel levels, technology decisions and inventory requirements influence layout.
Human resources and job design: People are an integral and expensive part of the total system design. The quality of work life provided, the talent and skills required
and their costs must be determined.
Inventory and resource management: These decisions can be optimised only when customer satisfaction, suppliers, production schedules and human resource planning are
Scheduling and maintenance: Feasible and efficient schedules for production must be developed; the demands on human resources and facilities must be determined and
Innovation, technology and knowledge management: Technology, information and communication systems
Logistics and distribution: Logistics encompass the flow of materials, information and money. How these aspects are effectively managed will determine supply chain
Risk management: Risk factors are apparent globally (such as petrol price hikes, currency fluctuations, natural calamities, political events, terrorism, regulation,
technology shifts, etc) and have operational implications for Supply chains.
Environmental awareness and sustainability: Sustainability encompasses economic, environmental and social considerations. These issues impact on the mix of operational
strategies and practices.
You are required to cite at least TEN (10) references in the report using the Harvard referencing system, including at least SIX (6) academic journal articles. An
omission to include six academic journal articles or incorrect use of the Harvard referencing system will result in a failure for the Referencing component (worth 10
Format – the argument will be presented in a report format. Suggested headings to be used include executive summary, contents page, introduction, operational
issues/challenges, key findings and recommendations. The objective of this assignment is to enable you to situate yourself in and critically analyse the facts of the
organisation, the situation and to present your analysis and recommendations in a report which is convincing, well supported and within word constraints.
Requirements for Assignment 3:
1. Use Arial Font size 12.
2. 1.5 line spacing
3. Reference list on a separate page after conclusion.
4. Journal articles preferably within last 10 years
5. Use Harvard Style of referencing only.
6. Do NOT use footnotes.
7. Print word count at the end of your assignment (conclusion section).
8. Print your name and student ID in a header on each page.
9. Number each page consecutively.
Note that the body of the assignment should contain around 3,000 words (+ or – 10%). The Reference section does not contribute to the overall word count.
Marking criteria and standards.
Marks will be awarded for:
• relevance of your answer to the assigned task
• originality and creative thought research up-to-date with the topic
• clarity of expression
• supporting documentation for arguments
• correct documentation and use of at least TEN sources of references including SIX academic journal articles (Harvard Referencing system within context)
• logical planning and sequence
• use of inclusive language
• overall presentation, including correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
• comprehensive coverage reflecting engagement with readings, texts and other relevant materials.
The main sections of the report are:
1. Content page (2 marks)
2. Executive summary (1 page) (8 marks)
3. Introduction (10 marks)
4. Content – Critical review of 3 Operational issues/challenges and their impact on supply chain management (45 marks)
5. Conclusions and Recommendations (15 marks)
6. Referencing (10 marks) – Having the latest references on the chosen topics and exceeding the minimum requirements will give you high marks
Then Presentation and English Expression will get another 10 marks for the total of 100 marks.
Students will not be able to re-submit assignments. Thus, it is important to discuss any queries or problems with the course coordinator before the assignment is due.