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From Chapter 5 in the text, find one quote that can be associated with a real experience (of yours, a celebrity, or someone you know). List the page number and the topic heading (if you use the ebook exclusively, there are no page numbers). First, write the quote in the body of your post. Then, leave a paragraph space and relate a detailed, specific application of what you have quoted. The quote may be a sentence or part of a paragraph.

2) From Chapter 6 in the text, find one quote that can be associated with a real experience (of yours, a celebrity, or someone you know). List the page number and the topic heading (if you use the ebook exclusively, there are no page numbers). First, write the quote in the body of your post. Then, leave a paragraph space and relate a detailed, specific application of what you have quoted. The quote may be a sentence or part of a paragraph.
Please limit each of the two responses to 250 words.

Here’s an example from Chapter 5 that was written by a former student:
Page 134, 5.4 Maturation
“One way for adults to know how safe an environment is for babies, is to crawl in their environment."
My parents were so paranoid about my safety that they ‘baby-proofed’ every inch of our home. Even before I was born they had already managed to purchase every gadget they could find to keep me safe. Crib pads, knob covers, door latches, safety straps, door stops, stove guards – the list was a mile-long. All those and I wasn’t even born yet. Before I started to crawl, they decided not only to install corner and edge guards but to literally surround everything hard with thick foam. Our living room coffee table was wrapped in pink foam! So were the other pieces of furniture. I have baby photos showing me in this weird-looking living room. I was never left by myself since my mother and a nursemaid were there to watch over me 24/7. They would sometimes leave the nursery when I was asleep but, the baby monitor was on all the time. Needless to say, when we went out of the house, they had to double their efforts to keep me ‘safe.’ I think they just learned to relax a bit when I was already around three years old.
Comments from Support Team: “Even from birth, boys are more active than girls. In contrast, girls perform better at balancing skills like walking on a beam, balancing on one foot, and playing hopscotch” (Mossler 135)

“By far the strongest environmental risk factors for Type II diabetes are a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition that lead to overweight and obesity (Anhêa et al., 2013). And unlike Type I diabetes, Type II diabetes can be prevented and often reversed with lifestyle changes, even in teenagers” (Mossler163-164)

“Though some children exhibit handedness as soon as 12 months old, except for the 3% of children who are ambidextrous (showing equal preference for use of either hand), dominance usually becomes well established by kindergarten (Hinojosa, Sheu, & Michel, 2003).”

“In 2007, skateboarding injuries caused an estimated 65,000 emergency room visits by children and adolescents, about 2,000 of them serious enough to require hospitalization.”

“On the other hand, teenagers perform relatively poorly on tests of emotional control. They are more reactive rather than reflective.”

“Many adults worry about how much children are eating, but they should focus instead on what they are eating.”

“Parents and educators should take note of children who squint and make facial gestures when reading, hold materials too close to the face, and miss simple visual cues.”

these quotes cannot be used because they’ve been used by other students already.

“Sociocultural variables including messages from peers and the media, familial influences low self-esteem, and biological factors have all been suggested as agents of influence in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa”

“The American Academic of Pediatrics (2011) does not advocate for any specific method, perhaps because the evidence for best practices does not exist.”

“Beginning in early infancy, immunizations provide an essential avenue for protection.”

“Adolescence also marks a second wave of overproduction of synapses and neural pruning. The architecture of the prefrontal cortex begins to change rapidly during this time and may give rise to specific behaviors that are associated with adolescence.”

“The second most common cause of accidental death among all children 14 and younger and the leading cause among 1- and 2-year-olds is drowning… When children drown in swimming pools they typically do so silently, when parents or caregivers are only a few steps away.”

“Lateralization is also demonstrated when we show a preference for using either the right or the left hand, called handedness.”

“1,863 succeed, making suicide the third leading cause of death among teenagers (CDC, 2014c).”

“Nearly 1.4 million children receive special education services for speech or language problems (National Center for Education Statistics, 2013b). As discussed earlier, auditory impairments often predict speech difficulties.”

also these as well cannot be used.

“According to the researchers, there is some indication that males have greater potential to connect perception with coordinated action, like learning the single task of riding a bicycle. In contrast, female brains have more neural communication between the two hemispheres, coinciding with a stronger connection between analyses and intuition. This pattern suggests that females are better equipped for multitasking and working toward solutions that focus on group outcomes. The clear differences provide additional evidence that males and females may be prewired to excel at different tasks.”

“It is extremely important for homeowners to look vigilantly for stored poisons and other toxic supplies in garages, bathrooms, and elsewhere, but by far the largest source of childhood poisonings is medications. Over 90,000 emergency room visits each year are due to poison-related medication exposure (excluding recreational drug use), a rate that is more than twice as high as for household products like cleansers and automobile fluids (CDC, 2014f; Schillie, Shehab, Thomas, & Budnitz, 2009).”

“Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children. It causes breathing airways to become inflamed and narrow, leading to shortness of breath, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and coughing. For unknown reasons, rates of asthma have been rising worldwide. In the United States, it is currently at its highest level ever; over 10 million children are afflicted” (Mossler).

these as well.

“The brain integrates information from the environment and from the body’s multiple systems. Children learn to walk, run, and hop, leading to more complex physical feats like executing studied gymnastics moves, diving into a pool, or high jumping. These changes necessarily begin with the brain and nervous system.”

“Homicide is particularly disturbing in the black community, where it is easily the leading cause of death among adolescents (75% more than accidents, the second leading cause). The homicide rate among black adolescents in the United States is five times greater than among the non-black population.”

“Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) occurs with frequent exposure to loud sounds such as car and personal music players” (Mossler, p. 148).

“Part of parenting includes insisting on preventative measures that reduce the negative consequences of accidents” (Mossler, p. 150).

these cannot be used as well. just so you know what you can use and what you cannot.

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