Oil and Fuel Filtering Machines

Submit a report file describing the actions/steps you have taken to manage and monitor your project(if you are doing your calculations in an Excel file, it would be nice to send the Excel file as well).
Start with an introduction, then describing your project. project scope, developing the WBS, time and cost estimation, determining the relationships and developing the project network, resource planning, resource scheduling, Resource leveling, etc.)).Then, you can start implementing your project (hypothetically), and then you can provide the measurement (PV, EV, CV, SV, CVI, SPI, EAC, VAC, etc.) and compare your performance with the plan.

Briefly: after introducing your project, your project scope, your project preferences, …, you have to break down your work into 15-20 activities. Then you can apply some of the techniques to design your network. Then, I expect you to calculate the project performance measurements. Then, your analysis of the measurements is required.

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