

since some of you are only 5-20 points away from a higher grade, and I am trying to help you achieve the best possible outcome in our NUTRTN 21 course, I decided to open the ″Alternate Term Project #1″ for you: please analyse John Doe′s 3-day diet & activity record using the DWP and upload the 3-day Combination Report (if that′s correct, you will receive 15 points). In the comment section, please provide his completed & calculated background information (if that′s correct, you will receive 5 points) as well as identify 5 areas of improvement as specified for our TP#3 (if that′s correct, you will receive 5 points). Please make the best of this very last opportunity to improve your overall point score. Sincerely, Dr. Kelley

As described in the Syllabus, our (mandatory) Term Project is divided into 3 parts; since you will not be able to complete TP part #2&3 without having first completed part #1, I am opening “The Alternate Term Project Part 1” early during this short semester so those of you, who have either not received their DWP access codes or otherwise have difficulties, are able to submit your work for the TP#1. There is to note that you only need to complete one TP part #1!
As you can see, the alternate project provides you with significantly less points (20 vs. 45) than the ‘regular TP#1, but is still counted towards the completion of this mandatory task. Furthermore, the SuperTracker is NOT as detailed and user-friendly as the DWP

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
As indicated in the syllabus, the ‘Diet Analysis Term Project’ is a mandatory assignment (listed as 2 of 3 Student Learning Outcomes); without its completion, you will unfortunately not be able to receive a passing grade in our Nutrition course. Thus far you have either not submitted the assigned “Diet and Wellness PLUS Combination Report” for 3 days of your own intake (originally due on 05-03, with ‘closing date’ extended until 05-06-2018), or there were mistakes, which have not been fixed (please review Diet Analysis Term Project (description, incl. grading criteria)).
As indicated in the grading criteria, you have 1 more chance to fulfill the “diet analysis” course requirement by performing an analysis on “John Doe’s 3-day diet & activity record”, which you find attached here JD Intake and PhysicalActivityReport_readonly.pdf .
You will have to input his nutrition data (height, weight, etc.), daily activities, diet and fluid intakes into the Diet and Wellness PLUS diet analysis program and then run the Combination Report (1 file*.pdf). (due by 05-10-2018 for 20 maximum possible points).
Late submissions will only be accepted until 05-13-2018 (-6 points).

As indicated in the syllabus & our announcements: if you have technical difficulties with the Diet and Wellness PLUS analysis program, please contact CENGAGE Tech Support. Additionally, the LAMC library (Learning Resource Center on the ground floor) has copies of the Diet and Wellness program on 4 of their PCs; they can also assist you — BUT please remember to run the “Combination Report” for 3 days (and NOT the “3-day average report”!!!).
If you are unable to generate the Combination Report (1 file*.pdf) using Diet and Wellness PLUS diet analysis program, you may use the USDA’s Supertracker (found at – please see attached document for instructions Creating SuperTracker Reports.pdf . There is to note however that the Supertracker does NOT provide the same detail of analytical information as the Diet and Wellness PLUS analysis program offers (hence, you will not be able to get full points during “part 2′ of the Term Project); accordingly, I encourage you to use the Diet and Wellness PLUS analysis program!
Please submit the 3-day diet & activity Combination Report (1 pdf-file) that was generated using the Diet and Wellness PLUS diet analysis program (with daily food, fluids & activity record) or 1 file containing the 6 FDA-SUPERTRACKER reports (Overview — Food Groups & Calories — Nutrients Reports — Food Details — Meal Summary — Physical Activity) in word-document or pdf form for instructor review and approval.

When submitting your report, please include the following information in the Textbox or Comment section, or you may submit a separate word.doc(x) — please copy & paste with answers:
John Doe’s . . . . .
• Height: ____ [cm or m]
• Weight: ____ (current in [kg])
• What is his “usual body weight”: ____ [kg]. When was the last time you were at this weight? ______ [mm/yyyy] (Did you recently gain or lose any weight? In what time-frame? Do you know why?) __________________________________
• BMI: ____
• Age: ____
• Gender: ____ [M/F]
o If female, are you pregnant? yes or no
• What is his activity level? ______________________ (sedentary, moderately active, or very active)
• His calculated Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) [Adult man = 662 – (9.53 * age) + PA * (15.91 * weight + 539.6 * height);; Adult woman: EER = 354 – (6.91 * age) + PA * (9.36 * weight + 726 * height)]: ________ kcal/day [PA is his physical activity factor, which may be 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 depending on activity level]
• His calculated estimated fluid need [body weight in kg * 35] : _________ ml/day
• Dietary supplement intake: ____________________________________ If he doesn’t take any, please indicate “N/A”.
• Optional:
o Are there any (medical) conditions you would be willing to share with me, which might affect your nutrition intake and daily activities? ___________________________________ If you are not aware of anything, please indicate “N/A”.
o Are there any medical conditions in your family that you would be willing to share with me, which might affect your nutrition intake and daily activities? _______________________________ If you are not aware of anything, please indicate “N/A”.
o Are you taking any medications on a daily basis that you would be willing to share with me, which might affect your nutrition intake and daily activities? ______________________________________ If you don’t take any, please indicate”N/A”.
Please refer to the “Diet Analysis Project” document for grading criteria, and let me know if you have any questions.
Diet Analysis Term Project (description, incl. grading criteria)
• as indicated in the syllabus and previous announcements, the diet analysis project is a mandatory assignment, which must be completed by all students in order to receive a passing grade for this class; please make this project your highest priority !!!
May 10 at 10:11pm
Submission Details
Download John Doe Combination report OFFCIAL COPY.pdf
Grade: 15 (0.1 pts possible)
Graded Anonymously: no
good job, but we are missing his background information

find the cost of your paper

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