Nonprofit Plan Budget & Governance

Part one of your final assignment is to describe in one – two paragraphs how you will assess your nonprofit organization after its first year of operation.
• Consider what your intended final result at the end of the first year is and how you will evaluate whether you have been successful?
Part two of your final assignment is to complete the descriptive plan of your proposed nonprofit organization.
• Your plan should be 4 to 6 pages and will include all of the Final Assignment Milestone’s completed in Sessions 2, 3, and 4. Ensure that you have incorporated instructor feedback and made the necessary updates/changes for your final submission.
• Organize your plan using the following headings:
• Needs Assessment
• Funding
• Budget & Governance
Your final must be:
• 4 – 6 pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page).
• Constructed using an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion with quality college-level writing.
• Written in Word using APA format. Include the following:
• A cover page
• Assignment written in an APA approved font and size, double spaced
• In-text citations to support main points
• A reference page with full APA references for each in-text citation used for support
• Supported by a minimum of five scholarly sources in addition to your Ott textbook. You may include all previously utilized resources from your Final Assignment

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