New England Workingmens Association and The National Trades Union/ immigration and labor Organization ( 1840-1868)

New England Workingmens Association and The National Trades Union/ immigration and labor Organization ( 1840-1868)

History 11
Research Report

Guidelines for Submitting Summaries,
And Final Essay

I.    Research Report

Please understand this is not a research paper, but a report.  Hence, the steps are a bit different.  Note the due dates in the calendar.

There are 4 steps for you to follow:
1.    Bibliography            25 points
2.    Summation of Sources    100 points
3.    Powerpoint            Part of Group Grade
4.    Final Essay            75 points

II.    Step 1: Bibliography

The bibliography exercise prepared you to focus on the task at hand.  You were asked to find as many sources possible that are out there on your topic.  The more extensive the bibliography, the better your chance of finding sources for each category of your bibliography (books, journal articles, web site).Please follow the guidelines carefully.Provide appropriate citations.

If you do not score 25 points after submitting the bibliography, you need to improve your bibliography by searching for more sources and providing the appropriate citations.  There is no reason for you to not score the maximum on this part of the assignment.

III.    Step 2: Summation of Sources

A.    Course Textbook: Foner, Give Me Liberty

1.    Pay attention to how your group, in general, and your topicin specific,are treated in the Foner text.

2.    Summarize useful information the book provides on your group.

a.    Locate useful information from the book and write a useful summary of the main ideas or opinions discussed (two to four paragraphs)

3.    Summarize useful information the book providesonyour topic.

a.    Locate useful information from the book and write a useful summary of the main ideas or opinions discussed (three to four paragraphs)

b.    If the book does not address your topic, then you have nothing to report in this part of theFoner summation.

B.    Wikipedia

1.    Go online and search your topic on Wikipedia
2.    Summarize useful information Wikipedia provides on your topic.
3.    Write a useful summary of the main ideas or opinions discussed.
4.    Do not copy and paste information.
5.    Write two to four paragraphs that summarizes the information.
6.    Copying and pasting will only increase your Originality Score in Turnitin and will disqualify your entry.

C.    Primary Source

1.    Select a primary source from your bibliography
2.    Summarize useful information the source provideWrite a useful summary of the main ideas or opinions discussed.
3.    Do not copy and paste information.
4.    Write two to four paragraphs that summarizes the information.
5.    Copying and pasting will only increase your Originality Score in Turnitin and will disqualify your entry.

D.    Books:  Consult your bibliography and selecta book you judge might give you significant information on your topic.

1.    You are not expected to read the book in its entirety.
2.    However, you are expected to become familiar with important information that can be used for your presentation and final essay.

a.    Locate useful information from the book and write a useful summary of the main ideas or opinions discussed (three to four paragraphs)

b.    Makesure you include important dates, events, and occurrences.

E.    Journal Articles: Consult your bibliography and select a journal/magazine articleyou judge might give you significant information on your topic.  Follow the steps listed above for the book.

F.    Web Site: Select the most important website in your bibliography.  Follow the steps listed above for the book.

E.    Please note: If your topic has not been treated adequately in book form, then consult additional literary magazines or scholarly journals, not newspapers or commercial magazines, and summarize appropriately.  If you did not get a book, find three articles and summarize each.

IV.    Share the information you have gathered with your group and learn how your topic is related to other topics and to the group as a whole.  You are now ready to organize your summarized information into a report.

V.    Steps to writing/recording/reportingsummary information.

a.    Two-part procedure to follow in submitting summaries.

i.    Title Page: Name, Course, Group Name, Topic, Date
ii.    Summary Information
a.    Bibliographic entry of the Foner textfollowed by summary information.
b.    Bibliographic entry of the Wikipedia online page followed by summary information.
c.    Bibliographic entry of the Primary Sourceselected followed by summary information.
d.    Bibliographic entry of thebook selectedfollowed by summary information.
e.    Bibliographic entry of thejournal article selected followed by summary information.
f.    Identify the website selectedfollowed by summary information.
g.    Please note: Those of you who did not have a book to summarize, just follow the procedure for the journal article for each (three) of the articles selected.

2.    Congratulations, you are ready to create a powerpoint, present your topic and write your final essay.  Please note the due date in the calendar when to submit the summation of sources.

History 11

Guidelines for Powerpoint Presentation
and Final Essay
Guide for Group Presentation and Group Grade

VI.    Step 3: Powerpoint Presentation

A.    You are responsible for putting your research findings into a brief powerpoint presentation.

B.        The presentation should contain the following in four slides:

i.    Introduction of topic’s main themes/central argument;
ii.    At least one slide addressing the importance of the themes;
iii.    At least two slides providing visual evidence of your topic;
iv.    A conclusion revealing how your topic relates to your group, the course, and your opinion on the topic
v.    Once you complete the powerpoint, combine it with your group members’ work to create a powerful group presentation.

VII.    Step 4: Final Essay: Use Your Summary Information To Write an Opinion Paper on Your Topic

A.    Introduction (suggested length: one to two paragraphs)

1.    You must introduce your topic and address its importance with regards to the course, your group, and the required readings.
2.    Generate a thesis statement: take a position on your topic; create an argument.

B.    Body (suggested length: three to five paragraphs)

1.    Organize your summarized information in a way that helps support your argument.

2.    Write in clear and succinct paragraphs, making sure each paragraph flows logically and connects your ideas back to your introduction.

3.    Use chronological order and themes as an organizing tool for the flow of ideas.
C.    Conclusion (suggested length: two paragraphs)
1.    Analyze your topic’s significance by looking at how your topic     relates to the whole (the group).
2.    Reassess your opening thesis statement:
a.    What conclusions did you reach concerning your topic?
b.    How did your research help you understand your group’s historical experience?

Careful organization demands the presentation of a logical progression of ideas.  Your emphasis must be on creating an argument.  This is not simply a paper about how you “feel.”  You must be able to defend a position, an argument, with hard data.  The purpose in writing is not merely to describe.  It is to explain historical process.  Use appropriate footnotes.Submit the final essay on the day of the the last group presentation.  See calendar due date.

Group Presentation Guidelines

The presentation provides your group the opportunity to demonstrate what has been learned.  Ideally, it represents work that integrates course readings, discussions, theoretic concepts, and opinions and conclusions.The presentation is basically an analysis of the group experience.

Analyze means to deal with the whole in terms of its parts, to examine methodically its parts.Analysis involves characterizing the whole, identifying the parts, and showing how the parts relate to each other to make the whole.

The whole in this case is the group’s generalized argument about the era’s generational experience.

The parts or basic principles are those people, places, and events that the group identifies as creating or locating measurable change in political-economy and social structure and the impact of race, class, and gender on the issues of the era.

Careful organization demands the presentation of a logical progression of ideas. The group emphasis must be on creating an argument.  This is not simply a presentation about how you “feel.”  The group must be able to defend a position, an argument, with hard data.  The purpose in presenting is not merely to describe.  It is to explain historical process.

The presentation will consist of an interpretation of the people and events under the group category.  Time will be given to collate, assess, and organize the information during class.

Now is the time to be responsible to your group.  The presentation is based on the information you take to the table.  With everyone doing their individual research, your group can create a powerful presentation on the people’s experiences.  It is up to you to decide how to present your research findings to the class.  You are limited by your creativity.

Each group, except the last two, will be given the entire class-timefor the presentation.  The last two groups will have one-hour to present, since, on the day of the final, the class is scheduled for two hours.

Group Grades

Each group member will be graded on the following criteria:
corroboration in group exams
contributions to creating the group powerpoint and presentation;
participation and performance in the presentation.
overall contributions.

Each person in your group will score you up to 05 points in each of the above categories.

When scoring each person in your group, each of the four categories listed above will be ranked on a scale of one to five:
50 = excellent    40 = good    30= fair    20 = poor    10 = get real    0 = get a life

Make a chart:
Your Name
Group Name

Members    Exam        Presentation    Performance    Overall        Total
Names        Contributions    Contributions    Delivery    Assessment    Points
Panfilo              40                       40              32        35        147

Rutherford          35               32              23        20        110

Mary              50               50              50        50        200

Each student will submit a score for each member of the group once the presentation is completed.  Note the due date for submitting group scores.

Anyone not scoring 60% of the 200 points will fail the course

Anyone absent for any group presentation will be docked a letter grade.

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