Nevada State Senatorial Race
Nevada State Senatorial Race
Reflection Paper:
Once finished, you are to write a reflection paper on what you learned about the political processes. It will have two parts:
1. “Part I: You are to write a reflection paper on what you’ve learned in this simulation. The length should be 1,000 –1,500 words. Let these questions guide your reflections a. Does the behavior of your states’ Senators match more of the parties’ rhetoric (and by extension ideology) b. Is it a function of constituencies, in other words, the major interests of the state; or is it a combination of both? c. If both, how much? 2. Part II: An appendix with the data from your research with all of your outlines/summaries to support your conclusions of the reflection paper.
You are to research the following for your Senators:
1. The states’ essential coalitions for your party designation as well as the state itself. In other words, who are the important people and groups in your state? 2. The economic makeup of your state (major industries). 3. Find out the Senate Committees the Senators from your states are on and their positions.
4. Find the contributions made to the Senators of your respective states. a. This should include all PACs, Super PACs, soft and hard money. b. Any advertising and interest group commercials made by 3rd party organizations since the last Senate election in your state. 5. Your party’s platforms. a. Democratic Party: http://www. b., Republican Party: https :// 6. The voting history of your states’ Senators on legislation. 7. Amount of money spent on advertising, the spending groups as well as the issues on which those groups spent money. 8. The positions taken by the Senators of your respective states since their elections to the Senate. 9. Determine who spent money lobbying the Senators of your states. What were the issues, and what was spent? a. Do the voting records of your states’ Senators match with the contributors? 10. Note: I will provide you the links at least a week before so you shouldn’t have to spend a whole lot of time on this to get quality information. I encourage you to get a variety of information, especially from academic sources.