music Analysiz.

music Analysiz.

Once you have selected your CD, your assignment will be to spend a few days closely listening to the album and getting familiar with the music. Once you’ve spent some time listening closely, write up a 2-3 page review of the CD which details the following (REQUIRED INFORMATION):
Album Name
Personnel involved in performance
Recording date, record label and call number – please make sure this info is included.
Your personal impressions of the music – 2 pages of double spaced text.
Please do not double space listings of album info/personnel – single spaced lines is okay for this information!

Your personal impressions of the music:
This portion of the assignment is intended to give you the opportunity to express informed reactions to the music you’ve been listening to. The use of technical language is not required, but you are required to clearly state your opinion of the music and to back up your opinions with knowledge you’ve gained in the course thus far. Speaking on adherence to and/or defiance of conventions, improvisational approach of soloists, anomalies in standard instrumentation, etc. are great discussion points that may help shape your review narrative. Additionally, it is very important that you discover the types/styles of jazz that you prefer. Please be sure to indicate whether you would recommend this CD to others, and why/why not. For each round of reviews, I will compile a list of all CD’s reviewed by the class and post that list online for your reference.

Tips for success on this assignment (and any other writing assignments in this course)
1. The quality of your writing does matter. Please take pride in your writing and make sure that your words represent you and your thoughts well. Always submit your best work, even for small assignments like this. Poor writing quality, or lack of attention to details such as typos, spelling, grammar, syntax, sentence structure etc. will automatically make it difficult to score well on writing assignments. Clarity of ideas is of the utmost importance, and if you write with that philosophy in mind, you will be poised to do well on all course writing assignments.
2. Do not work at the last minute. If you are going to be able to speak thoughtfully about the music you’re listening to, you will need to give yourself ample time to digest what you’re hearing. Don’t procrastinate – choose your CD early and spend quality time with it before crafting your reports. Believe it or not, it is blatantly obvious when a report is put together in the 11th hour. It will be difficult at best to score well on the assignment if you complete the work at the last minute.
3. Pay close attention to the assignment criterial listed above. Please make yourself fully aware of all the required information that must be contained in your report and double check to ensure that that information is included. Lack of adherence to assignment directions will make it impossible to score well on the assignment. When in doubt, ask for clarification!
4. You don’t need to speak about EVERY individual track on the CD you review. Instead, choose a handful of tracks that you really enjoyed (or didn’t enjoy, for that matter) that are worth discussing. Use your reasons for liking/disliking the tracks as fuel for what you choose to write about in your report. A CD review with NO mention of specific tracks will have no chance of scoring well.
5. Look at these reviews as an opportunity to explore aspects of the music that the course doesn’t cover. Do you like jazz singers? Interested in women jazz musicians? Curious about some of the more infamous personalities in jazz? This is a perfect opportunity to dive into personal interests!

The Sidewinder
Lee Morgan 1964

The Sidewinder

Totem Pole

Gary’s Notebook

Boy, What A Night


Totem Pole( Alternate Take)


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