Movie review on decision making processes-Missiles of October
View the film “The Missiles of October,” and explore the film’s content for examples of various decision making processes, models, and heuristics.
After watching the film, address the following: 1. Identify one decision-making model, such as rational, organizational, political, or process. Give a brief desсrіption of the model, along with an example of how it is evident in the film. Describe the specific scene – physical setting, characters and what they said – that illustrates the concept you identified. Discuss how the use of this model affected the outcome. 2. Identify one decision-making process, such as force-field analysis, brainstorming, or consensus. Give a brief desсrіption of the process, along with an example of how it is evident in the film. Describe the specific scene – physical setting, characters and what they said – that illustrates the concept you identified. Discuss how the use of this process affected the outcome. 3. Identify two decision-making heuristics from among the many common errors, biases, and traps. Give a brief desсrіption of each heuristic, along with an example of how it is evident in the film. Describe the specific scene – physical setting, characters and what they said – that illustrates the concept you identified. Discuss how the use or avoidance of these heuristics affected the outcome.