Modified caregiver role strain

Modified caregiver role strain
Modified Caregiver Strain Index
Directions: Here is a list of things that other caregivers have found to be difficult. Please put a checkmark in the columns that apply to you.
We have included some examples that are common caregiver experiences to help you think about each item. Your situation may be slightly
different, but the item could still apply.
Yes, On a Regular Basis=2 Yes, Sometimes =1 No=0

My sleep is disturbed ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: the person I care for is in and out of bed or
wanders around at night)

Caregiving is inconvenient ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: helping takes so much time or it’s a long
drive over to help)

Caregiving is a physical strain ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: lifting in or out of a chair; effort or concentration
is required)

Caregiving is confining ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: helping restricts free time or I cannot go visiting)

There have been family adjustments ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: helping has disrupted my routine; there is no privacy)

There have been changes in personal plans ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: I had to turn down a job; I could not go on vacation)

There have been other demands on my time ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: other family members need me)
There have been emotional adjustments ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: severe arguments about caregiving)
Some behavior is upsetting ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: incontinence; the person cared for has trouble remembering
things; or the person I care for accuses people of taking things)

It is upsetting to find the person I care for has changed so
much from his/her former self ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: he/she is a different person than he/she used to be)

There have been work adjustments ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: I have to take time off for caregiving duties)

Caregiving is a financial strain ____________ ____________ ____________

I feel completely overwhelmed ____________ ____________ ____________
(For example: I worry about the person I care for; I have concerns
about how I will manage)
[Sum responses for “Yes, on a regular basis” (2 pts each) and “yes, sometimes” (1 pt each)]

Total Score =

Write a reflection of an analysis of your scores and how the score affects your current practice and potential changes you wish to make in practice.

Suggested headings:


Current Practice

Potential Changes


Paper is to be written in APA format for reflection. Direct quotations are limited to one direct quote for this assignment.

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